
Is superman real...?

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I read about sightings of a flying man with a blue superman outfit have been seen.All a complete hoax?what could they have seen?It's a bird,a plane...




  1. Well, I doubt it would be superman!

  2. I think it was The Tick. He's big and blue, and he doesn't fly but he can leap from building to building with ease.

  3. It's me after a curry.

  4. Sounds like a viral ad campaign.  The only way man can fly is straight down.

  5. as real as santas fat A**

  6. Sorry to ruin your fantasy and burst your bubble, but superman is not real. It might just be a very big bird or a plane. Even if it was him then he wouldn't just fly around and let everyone see him, he would wear a different costume, because if everyone saw him his rep would go way down and he would try not to be seen because everyone would want him to save them. He would probably just want to live a normal life. And also, if he was real, the person that made up superman the show and movie, well, how would he know? even if superman told him, they would probably have to be really good friends if he told them and if they were good friends, the person that made up superman wouldn't tell if they were good friends. And if he did tell, then superman would probably not ever want to be seen in public again. Everyone would be mad because he was undercover all this time and he could have been saving people and people could have called him if they need him all this time, and there could have been a lot more people alive today. So, as I said, superman is NOT real. I really hope this helps you.

  7. no man can fly like birds.

  8. maybe it's real,lets face it,that anything in this world could be possible,can be true because of the technology.

  9. I think you have to wait a few centurys to see an human being flying...

  10. Or a flying blueberry.

  11. This guy I work with at the Daily Planet is always able to get interviews with him!

    He looks like him kinda, but he has glasses.

    Avoided me like the plague when I brought this strange green glowing rock thing into the office as a paperweight.

    I'd like to see the two of them together but this guys a real coward. Always runs off whenever there's trouble and I have a chance to compare him and Superman side by side.

  12. So you saw me in sky ehh?

  13. yeah hes real. and he hangs out in the bat cave with bat girl.

  14. hmm i dunno never heard that one

  15. it's UNDERDOG!!!!!

  16. They also do newscasts on christmas eve were they track Santa Clause, or at least they used to when I was growing up. Do they still do those?

    Superman is a fictitious character from a comic book.

    again, i will warn you, even though you might think drugs are fun and games now, you will regret it later in life.

  17. no

  18. Yes, Superman is really really real.  However, he is aging and now has an artificial hip and an artificial knee, and several other medical issues.  He takes a presciption drug for high cholesterol, but his blood pressure is fine.  He doesn't try to leap over tall buildings in a single bound anymore, but actually there was never much point in doing that anyway, since all he had to do is run around the buildings, which would take less energy and take about the same amount of time.  He usually goes around as Clark Kent and never wears his Superman costume anymore because it is way too tight in the stomach area, and other areas.

  19. I sure am...

  20. no.....

  21. Sure he's real.Just as real as most of the junk crazy folk believe in.

  22. Where have you seen this, If there is a real super man why cant he get Ben Ladien???

    Hey that would be a hoot, is it a bird, a plane, or no it is that crazy terriost Ben.........Boom!!

    HA!!! This is a great excuse for me to vent!!
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