
Is surfing a dangerous sport if so what are the real threats to a surfer?

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Is surfing a dangerous sport if so what are the real threats to a surfer?




  1. Getting your ASSS kicked by locals,I'd rather have all the other shitt happen to me!!!

  2. so real threats if u know how to swim and keep your eyes opened for sharks other than that its a sick sport

  3. surfing is not dangerous, you just need to know how to swim and get up on the board

  4. surfing is not a dangerous sport more poeple die doing other sports then surfing. but something surfers are cautious of are sharks and getting there leash cought on the reef. but there not threats there just percautions that surfers need to be aware of but its not like these things happen every day.

  5. Sharks, drowning, impact with rocks, reefs and sandbars, crowded areas, your own surfboard.

  6. Yes it is a dangerous sport and people should be aware of the risks involved.

    This are some of the things that have happened to me over nearly 20yrs of surfing

    Perforated Eardrum


    Broken Nose (twice)

    Impaled on surfboard

    Stung by Bluebottle (Man-o-war)


    Then there are more serious things that can go wrong. These have all happened and are documented.

    Drowning - due to being knock unconscious, legrope being caught on rocks or reef, gettting caught in crevices or caves in the reef, accidentlly being hit by other surfers (boards or bodies), being held under by the waves power, winded.

    Broken Bones - limbs, skull, eye sockets, nose, ribs, etc.

    Attacked by Animals - depending on where you are, seals sharks, dolphins, bears (North America), snakes, jellyfish, stonefish.

    Infections - polltution, raw sewage, industrial waste

    Enviroment - sunburn, insect bites, cliff collapse, freak waves, rip tides, undertow, hidden rocks, sandbars, reefs, submerged rubbish.

    Humans - fights, inexperienced surfers, criminals

    Some of these will only result in injury and can be minor to life threatening while some will KILL you. Many people have died over the years some well known many not and some never even heard of. Most of these incidents have occured and caan be found in news papers and news stories. these are Not Made Up.

    The Ocean is a dangerous Place treat it with respect

  7. besides the obvious...u got to be kidding me r u really that dense yo.

  8. its really not that dangerous if you dont get out of your depth. stick to where you feel safe. if your a beginner get a surf lesson. otherwise make sure you cover your head when you come up after a wipe out i forgot this last year and ended up with stiches on the bridge of my nose. rips are also a problem though when you are mor advanced you can use them to get out the back. if you get stuck in one just paddle parallel to the beach. sharks and **** like that you dont need to worry about thats just childish

  9. Real threats:

    kooks, barneys, locals, sharks, sea lions, reefs, drowning, concussions, torn ligaments, gashes, piers, seaweed, logs, debris, riptides, having your car or belongings jacked, and the worst threat of all... a broken board.

  10. kooks

  11. Drowning

    A young boy surferSurfing, like all water sports, carries the inherent danger of drowning. Although a surfboard may assist a surfer in staying buoyant, it cannot be relied on for floatation, as it can be separated from the user. The use of a leash, which is attached at the ankle or knee, keeps the surfer connected to the board. The leash is a safeguard which helps reduce the chance of drowning, though there are circumstances, such as unconsciousness and the board becoming entangled or caught in a rip current, where its effectiveness is compromised. To combat these dangers, surfers often surf in pairs or groups.


    A large number of injuries, up to 66%,[4] are caused by impact of either a surfboard nose or fins with the surfer's body. Surfboard fins can cause deep lacerations and cuts as well as bruising due to their shape. While these injuries can be minor, they can open the skin to infection from the sea; groups like SAS campaign for cleaner waters to reduce this risk.

    There is also a danger of collision from objects under the water surface. These include sand, coral and rocks.[5] Collisions with these objects may cause unconsciousness or even death.


    Various types of sealife can cause injuries and even fatalities. Depending on the location of the surfing activity, animals such as sharks, stingrays, and jellyfish may be a danger to surfers.[6]

  12. Drowning, and being eaten by a shark.

  13. Drowning


    getting pulled out to sea

    getting bonked in the head with your surf board

  14. e coli bacteria in the water

  15. Shark attack !!!

    Watch Out !!!

    Read my answer in the question:

    Is surfing cool or not?

  16. coral reefs if you bail or fal forward you can hit your head on it so always fall on your back

  17. Watch the film "Riding Giants" it's a documentary on the history of 'Big Wave' surfing.  Very dangerous. Great film.

  18. Death by drowning.

    Death by shark or box jellyfish if in Australia.Although there are sharks in UK waters now they are warmer.

    Death by bashing head on rock.

  19. kinda of dangerous if you are surfing on really big waves there is a possibility of being thrown around and being injured or killed

    on regular sized waves there is a chance of getting caught in a tidal rip and being washed to sea.

    on the up side it is very good exercise and very cool and definitely puts a smile on your face

  20. drowning

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