
Is surfing gonna make you as fit as you could ever be?

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...considering you stretch out properly as it can give you the worst aches and pains.....




  1. I don't think it's gonna automatically make you as fit as you could ever be.  It can do wonders to your physique, but you still have to diet and exercise if you want to be as fit as you could ever be.  

    If you drink a 12 pack every night, eat like a king, and surf every sunday at noon, then no, you're not going to be as fit as you could ever be.  

    If you wake up every morning at 5am, go for a 2 mile run, head out at sunrise for a 3 hour surf session, work at your job as an aerobics instructor and dietitian, eat lean meats and whole grains with fruits and veggies all day, then go out for a long afternoon surf session, finish the day with an hour of weight lifting, and wake up the next day to do it all over again, then THAT'S as fit as you could ever be!!!  For Sure!

    Most of us true surfers fall somewhere in between.  And so do our physiques.  :)

  2. I'm in my 60s and have surfed since I was in high school.  I've always been fit and don't catch colds or get injured too often.  I'm also still able to paddle out on bigger days.  I guess that would make me fit and answer your question by example.  Take a look at some of my more recent pictures on my website.

  3. Surfing is great for the body. The salt water is great for cut and stuff as it cleans them out.

    It is awesome for your fitness and your lungs.

  4. Surfing has always helped keep me pretty fit but I never got "as fit as I could ever be" until I started doing endurance multisports. I am in what my doctor and trainers call "peak physical condition" now and though I still surf I know it's mainly attributed to training for triathlon and distance events.

    In conclusion, surfing will help keep you fit and healthy, yes. However, for you there may be something different that will get you in the best shape of your life. It's pretty personal.

  5. i guess so....

    i have seen alot of surfers who are chubby though but tehy are usually like....50 yr old men

    if u do it alot on a regular basis then u will have a super hot body

  6. it keeps me fit but i do other sports too so, um idk

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