
Is surfing like snowboarding?

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Is surfing like snowboarding?




  1. Almost but it is a bit harder. Get a lesson and try it out.

  2. Surfing is much more difficult than snowboarding!!

  3. um....well sort of....  You stand the same way on each board, but obviously they are pretty different too. For a surfboard, You have to dodge waves and keep your balance on the board while riding a wave and not falling off. Snowboarding is just sliding down a hill without trying to fall off the board. I guess you can do jumps too, so you can make it harder. I am from California...and I think surfing is harder.

  4. Some things I've noticed...

    The art of turning is completely different.  You'll find when you first try surfing or vice versa that you'll be off balance a lot.  Surfing also depends on wave judgment, which is probably the most difficult aspect of any sport you'll try. Like surfing, there is a fair bit of mother nature involved in snowboarding too.  Terrain judgment in snowboarding consists of judging weather patterns, snow conditions, light quality and visibility, and generally making good choices.  Both sports should not be tried by yourself because if you're wiped out, caught in a rip, lost, injured, eaten or dead nobody is going to see you or find you. Injury-wise snowboarding is far more dangerous than surfing especially as you're learning, because falling is pretty much a given and if you can't control your speed you're going to do some damage, whereas you can try to find a nice easy 1-2 foot shore break patrolled by lifeguards or populated by other beginners to learn how to surf.  When you become more gifted with the waves, however, you won't find a more dangerous sport than surfing, because a lot of incredible breaks will also slam you on rock or coral if you mismanage the wave. If you're beginning surfing, get some advice on good zones to go try out your log of a longboard rather than risk killing or be killed by an expert surfer on a wicked break that is years beyond your capability.

    I find the sports parallel in the sense that instead of wave competition you have lift lineups, but in general, once you get good at the sports, it's easier to find mountain space than it is to find a good break that isn't littered with other surfers (even at sunrise).  Of course if you're good enough to compete for the big waves, then surfing is a far more cost effective day than snowboarding because you don't have to pay to use the wave, whereas a lift ticket on a quality alpine resort can run you around 80 and up (+ really expensive lunch).  Finally, your startup costs might be a bit more for snowboarding when you factor in the warm clothes, boots, bindings, and snowboard itself.  Naturally, surfing is better for the tan, but hey, you can take your I-pod up to the mountain.  Both sports have good mixes of gender trying them out, but I find there is a better balance of girls and guys snowboarding than surfing. Snowboarding or surfing, I would do whatever is locally available because that is where you're going to get the best advice, deals, and information on whatever it is you're trying.

  5. Kinda, but in a way, not at all....

    My first wave I tried to turn and my board didn't come with me....I dove into the wave....

    I like, got up, so stoked, like yeah lets ride this b*****d, leaned forward to turn and my board went stright...WTF?

    It's very different, you need to shift your weight, then shift it back while the board changes direction in its momentum, and shift it again while turning and putting pressure on the rail.

    It's like a car, you brake before entering the turn, then let go, spin the wheel, and at some point accelerate until you're out of the turn.

    Snowboarding is like a bike, just lean and hold on.....

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