
Is surfing without health insurance a bad idea?

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I'm moving to southern California for a job soon and want to try surfing, but my health insurance won't kick in for 2 months. Aside from drowning to death, which health insurance doesn't cover anyway, are there a lot of injuries that require doctors and hospitals? Man I just get on a board and go...




  1. It's good to have health insurance no matter what you do.

  2. Are you serious? I don't know one person that has even thought of that before surfing. However it can be dangerous. You could get bit/stung by some animal(shark,jelly fish, man-o-war,vana,ect.) You could hit a pier, if you choose to shoot it. Rocks and reef can really s***w you up and it never heals as fast as other wounds, oh and reef can continue to grow in your feet. Infections like staff and lepto...what you call it. Not to forget the people in the water that might run you over, skegs cut really bad, or beat you up if do the wrong things in the water. Other than that have fun in the water.

  3. Health insurance is not something i let control my life, I do whatever feals right.

  4. There are some temporary insurance plans.  Check out "Assurant Health Plans" on the web.  It should be able to cover you for 60 days or any short term and it shouldn't be very expensive.  Hope that helps!

    Jared Balis

  5. There are ways to do the things that you like to do and still be covered medically without your health insurance.  I don't even have traditional insurance.  I get all of my care through Compassionate Care Clinic and I am satisfied.  If something happens to you, they'll just charge you $25 and you can get your treatment and go on about your life.  Check out the website and enjoy the sun.  Life is too short not to do what you like to do.

  6. the only thing you have to worry about is the pollution. It will seriously make you sick if you swallow e coli or whatever that c**p is. I had terrible stomach cramps in college. I thought it was a plague sent from God for having s*x with my coworker. All I got from my health insurance was a doctor sticking his finger in my butt and telling me I was fine. I just waited it out in pain. Just the memory of it is making my tear up, bwa....bwahhahahaaaaa... I'll never go to the clubs again God I promise.

  7. i would have some experience in that because im a figure skater. my answer would be no because i dont think there are that many risks in surfing except the drowning part. but it also depends on your level and experience, if your level is low i would say yes.

  8. Surf related injuries are pretty rare, especially serious ones.  You're much more likely to get injured on your way to the beach.  With that said doing any risky activity without insurance should be thought through.

    Depending upon where you are surfing in SoCal there may be a very real possibility of getting sick from surfing which can be more costly and keep you out from work longer.

  9. nooo well mabey u should get it first before all the friken cooks here in south cali hit u, fure sure get it before u surf lowers or anywhere in trestles

  10. yes

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