
Is surname important if going abroad.?

by Guest11116  |  earlier

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hi friends,

i like to go abroad (my option are Canada or US or Germany)

will there be any problem, if i am not having any surname?

because i don't have any surname attached to my first name. in all my certificates i don't have surname. bcoz due to this i got delay for applying for pass port, GRE, TOFEL. so with out any surname can i continue like this?

will i face any problem in future, so let me know?




  1. A surname will be helpful in many ways to know like, Who is this person related to? Where is this person from? What does this person do for a living? What is his or her most prominent feature?


  2. It may cause a bit of a pause, but not all cultures have surnames, so the schools will be able to deal with it. Likewise, the visa process. It may make things a bit more difficult, but it's nothing that you can't get through. Don't let it stop you from applying.

  3. NO

  4. Its not a Big Problem...... but haveing a Surname is a Useful one in US.............

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