
Is surprisement a word?

by  |  earlier

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i have been debating with this with my mum and dad, is it a word?




  1. hopefully you are on the side that says "h**l no, that's not a word" because, well, it's not.  

    but when you look up the definition of the suffix "ment" in the dictionary, it seems like that would work.  so, now that makes me wonder.....hmmmm.....see below for definitions/uses.  good question.

    -ment   (suffix)

    1.  action, process



    2.  result of an action, or condition resulting from an action


    3.  instrument or agent of an action


    4.  place



    Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  2. no way jose.  What definition are you giving it?

  3. no i think you should make it a word, because i promise i would use it 24/7!!

  4. Not in any dictionary I know.  Not even the Urban Dictionary

  5. I'm thinking no dude. Now this sound like a word George Bush would say, we all know how he likes to make up words.  

  6. Umm No Dont Think So :) x

  7. No, it is not. Unlike astonish and astonishment, surprise is surprise as a verb and as a noun.

  8. I didn't find it in any of three dictionaries that I looked in but on the yahoo search engine I typed in definition of surprisement and it gave me a whole bunch of links. One of the links says surprisement is a noun and it's the same thing as surprisal which is being surprised or something that is surprising. The link below is the one I am talking about.

  9. Not likely. There's already the definition of surprise.

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