
Is sushi somewhat of a healthy choice?

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I know some of it has a lot of sodium, but besides this is it good for you? What about california rolls? They're my favorite. :]




  1. yes sushi is one of the healthiest choices out there. california rolls are good too unless they use fake crab and alot of mayo.

  2. Fish is very good for you. And both sushi and california rolls have very little fat.

  3. SHOCKING SUGAR info...

    I recently found out that most sushi has a lot of sugar hidden in it.

    It's in the rice!, and in the tuna!, and in the soy sauce.

    but other than that, I think it's pretty good.

  4. it more or less is, but note that too much fish isn't good for you to begin with because it has much mercury, so it should be limited (to about 2 servings per week).   also, eating raw fish can give you upset stomach--it doesn't happen to everybody and every time, but it's a possibility.

  5. I heard somewhere that they are really good. But I belive no food can harm you if taken moderately & at times, eating excessive good things is also harmfull.

  6. According to this yes

  7. It's not a balanced diet, since it's pretty low on vegetables. But go ahead.

  8. California roll, although not technically sushi but a Americanized version of it, is somewhat healthy. The avocado and cucumber are great for you. The rice provides carbs (energy), and the crab protein. That's the positive outlook. If you wanna become critical about it, most restaurants use fake crab which is nothing but lots of sodium, artificial colorings and fake flavorings.

    Real sushi is healthy (raw fish). However, you also have to take into consideration that some types of fish have very high mercury contents, which may become toxic to the body.

  9. Traditional sushi is probably a better choice overall than a lot of other dishes.

    Unless you drown it in soy sauce most of the sodium comes from the Norri, the rice - if seasoned. Even fatty tuna does not contain that much fat.

    I am a purist - a California roll and it's totally cooked counterparts is not true sushi. But for those who are squeamish about eating raw sushi, they can feel better when offered cooked or non-fish versions of 'sushi'.

    I enjoy sushi with just a tiny touch of soy sauce and a big dip of wasabi.

  10. I love California Rolls but sometimes I asked the chef to leave out the creamy mayonnaise in order to "eat healthy"; on the whole sushi is healthy when compared to a lot of other cuisines.

  11. Yes it is. As long as you don't have the tempura or tempura rolls cos tempura is fried. California rolls aren't that healthy cos the crab mixture contains  a lot of fat but if you only have 6 pieces lets say once a week or 3 times in a month it's not that bad compared to everyday. Also say you order the beef or chicken terryaki rolls make sure they don't add too much terryaki sauce cause then it doesn't make them that healthy.

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