
Is swim bladder disease contagious?

by  |  earlier

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I think my fish died from this and i wanted to know if it is contagious? thanks




  1. No, it's not contagious from fish to fish.

    But if you are not feeding a varied diet, and doing regular water changes then your other fish will also get it in time.

  2. Swim blader "disease" (it is in most cases constipation rather than infection) can be any number of things-- constipation leading to swim blader compression, a poorly functioning duct, bacterial infection, viral infection, or a number of other things.  Determining whether or not it is contagious (it usually isn't) will require knowledge of its origin.  In most cases, if the lack of bouyant control is accompanied by swelling, there is no need to worry of infection, as it is generally constipation.  If there is no swelling, I would consider treating the entire tank or quarantining the infected fish if you catch it early enough.

  3. no, it is not, thank goodness!

  4. No it's not I am very sorry that happened to you but it will not hurt any other fish, here to help you picture it it's kinda like some one breaking there leg if I get neer some one there leg won't break.

  5. Here's a great article on swim bladder disorder.

    It'll give you all the info you need.

  6. nope some causes by the food or gulping too much air.

    Some is inborn nothing you can do about it.

    Try dieting the fish for two days if he got any trouble if the problem is gone its the air from food or gulping too much.

  7. no,its not contagious,its a bacterial infection,it can become deadly.

  8. No, its not contagious.

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