
Is swimming a good sport when you want to be thin?

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is swimming going to be a good sport when your planning to be thin?




  1. absolutley. i swim every day, basically. if you stretch before you swim and swim consistantly for a length of time, such as  30 minutes, at least twice a week, you will build up your stamina and work off weight. I recomend starting off slow, with 10-15 second breaks in between every 2 lengths. then as you grow stronger and faster, start minimizing your rest or swimming for a longer time. don't do both unless you are totally ready for a lot of excersise. Also, it is a good idea to sometimes use kickboards, flippers, pullbouys, and paddles. Also, remember to bring a water bottle. It may not seem like your sweating, but you are. Well, i wish you luck,and have fun!

  2. Swimming is one of the best exercises there is.  It tones all parts of the body.  You also get a cardio workout.  Swimming with proper diet will assure that you stay thin and trim all of your life.

  3. If you aren't a good swimmer then I suggest aqua aerobics which incorporates all the swimming techniques into an hour of cardio work out, plus you learn how to swim better without knowing it.

    Swimming/Aqua aerobics is far better than regular aerobics as you have the resistance of the water which helps tone the muscles yet you don't have the impact that could damage joints and muscles because the water is buoyant.  

    Any type of exercise is excellent for staying at a healthy weight and BMI if combined with a proper diet.  Rule is at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise 3 times a week and at least 30 minutes of weight training/resistance training 2-3 times a week (opposite cardio days) to stay heart healthy and maintain weight.  Using weights increases muscle mass which burns more calories.

    If you wish to lose you need to ascertain how much calories you are consuming on a daily basis.  Then figure your target weight.  So, if 30 minutes of execise daily keeps you at your existing weight (eating 1800 calories daily) and you want to lose 10-20 lbs.....increase your cardio exercise to 45 minutes to 1 hour 3 times a week and decrease calories to 1200-1500 a day.

  4. swimming help us to keep mentally and physically  fit but it is

    not used for keeping us thin

  5. yeah. you can get great excersice

  6. of course it needs a lot of strength to swim..if you can swim 7 times non stop..then you are already very good in stamina.swimming can oso make your waist slimmer as you have to go through the water...ur triseps oso will be tone

  7. yes,its absoultely right swimmimg makes body thin

  8. I looked at this post and I realized everyone said that it is a good sport when you want to be thin.

    I am a swimmer, and I receive USA SWIMMING magazine. This magazine sometimes tells you information about good diets and what muscles swimming build and stuff.

    I read recently that swimming does not help you lose fat.


    The water is cold around you so your body thinks it needs the extra fat to stay warm.

    I continued reading this article in the magazine and it said what really helps swimmers have rock hard bodies is doing dryland.

    For example: Push-ups, Sit-ups, Wall sits, V-ups, flutter kicks, lifting wieghts.

  9. It's a good sport if you want to be trim and well-muscled, which is much more attractive than simply being thin.

  10. I think it could be a good way to lose weight, but swimming really does develop your shoulders, so be careful.

  11. yes, the best form of exercise as you use all muscles. but remember you got to eat less fatty  things too so grill whenever you can, cut down on sugar. good luck

  12. Yes, It is.

  13. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Besides its enjoyable.

  14. It's the best sport to help you get thin... and it's fun too!

  15. Well it increases your stamina and tones up your muscles, so with increased stamina you will automoticaly try do more outside of the water, so even if that post about not losing fat off swimming is true (which I don't beleive it is, though I'm sure he did read it) you will still lose more fat because you will feel the desire to be more physicaly active.  For me breakdancing made me more physicaly active for other activities, so I've slimmed out from bein pretty pudgy to almost having a six-pack after a little more than a couple months.

  16. Absolutely correct.

  17. S ofcourse swimming gives stamina that keeps our body thin.

  18. swimming is always a good sport. it will help you get thinner too

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