
Is swimming good for Weight loss?

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  1. Yes swimming is VERY good for Weight loss. Swimming 30+ minutes a day would get you somewhere.

  2. It's very good for the body to make full fitness & to reduce weight &to build mucles. keep it on..

  3. It`s an excellent way to not only lose weight, but to trim up the figure. A swimmers muscles are smooth not bulky. I do an hour a day.

  4. Swimming is good to tone up your muscles .

  5. Maybe if you're swimming fot at least 45 min.

    Swimming is very good for your body, no pressure on the joints.

    To lose weight; Eat no more then what your body needs. Better then going on diets.

  6. it doesn't matter really. if you eat more than you swim, you're still not going to lose weight. the key to weight loss is to exercise more then you eat.

  7. yeah    up to 30 min+

  8. Yes Jo it is one of the best exercises you can do and it tones every single part of your body too!

  9. Yes, swimming is great for weight loss because it burns a huge amount of calories (more than jogging, walking, or biking).

    The amount of time you spend swimming depends on your fitness level, but most experts recommend about 30 minutes of cardio a few times a week.

    Swimming is also a very good choice because it works so many muscles that are not used in other activities.  You'll definitely notice this the first time you work out, because your entire body will be sore (and you'll discover that you have muscles you've never used before!)

    However, the best way to lose weight is to vary your activities.  A workout plan that incorporates different cardio activities (like swimming and running, or swimming and biking, etc) and strength training (such as lifting weights) is very effective and easy to stick to because you won't get bored with it!

    Good luck!

  10. very so. it is one of the best exercises you can do because it exercises your arms, legs, back, and heart and lungs. swimming about 20-30 minutes for 6-7 days a week is a great way to help loose weight and get in shape. but dont forget the old "dont eat for 30 mins. before you swim." and also stretch before you get in the pool too.


  11. Yes, for increasing the metabolism!

  12. Yes

    15 min


  13. The answer is "YES & NO"

    Although you get a great aerobic workout, you burn fewer calories swimming than you do in many other activities.  There is a fallacy surrounding the calories used in swimming.

    Here is some information regarding the number of calories you burn in ONE MINUTE for different activities for a 170 pound person:

    Bicycling 12-14 mph 11

    Bicycling 14-16 mph 14

    Swimming - moderate 8

    Swimming - vigorous 13

    Walking 3 mph 6

    Jogging 9

    Running 6 mph 13

    Running 8 mph 17

    Running 10 mph 23

    Running 12 mph 29

    The other problem with swimming is that it is so exhausting that most people give up or don't work hard enough to lose weight AND they get very hungry after swimming and frequently eat more calories than they used exercising.

    Now, the irony of my statement is this ... it all depends on your intensity.  If, for example, you are a 13-14 year old boy who is growing and is a national caliber swimmer working out for 4 or 5 hours a day, you need more calories than any other athlete at around (are ya ready?) 12,000 per day!  When I was a national level collegiate swimmer we at 6000+ calories per day to avoid too much weight loss.  BUT, we were swimming 10 miles a day.

    Here is one more strange negative regarding swimming.  It does not prevent osteoporosis as the water supports your weight.  In other words, unlike things you do on your feet and for which gravity pulls down on your bones, the support of the water negates that effect and swimming is not a weight bearing sport.  Swimmers who do not lift weights can develop (over many many years) osteoporosis.  

    Don't get me wrong ... I LOVE SWIMMING!  I've coached it for almost 30 years and I also swim on a masters team.  But, I also bicycle.  

    Good luck!

  14. You it's one of the best ways to firm up and to stay healthy

  15. extremely so! more than anything it will help increase your stamina and tone your whole body! its honestly one of the best ways!

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