
Is table food bad for dogs?

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My dog has a tumor on her stomach, don't worry we got it checked out by the vet and to make a long story short it will be removed in a few days, i just want to ask, if a dog eats table food almost everyday can the dog develop tumors?

My mom thinks table food is harmless for dogs but i honestly think this caused my dogs stomach tumor. Maybe they can't digest the (our) food... or maybe not, my vet said nothing about it, i was just wondering if you guys knew anything.




  1. My dogs eat from the table sometimes.. I don't know as long as your dog still eats dog food and your not feeding it spicy foods and stuff.. I'm not sure that it causes tumors tho thats a new one for me.. did you talk to the vet about what possibly caused the tumors? some dogs just get things like human's do where theres not real reason at all for them..

  2. Table scraps can be harmless if given in moderation. The most common side effect for a dog that consumes excessive table scraps is weight gain and obesity. Even though I say that feeding a dog leftovers is harmless, I do not recommend it, especially if you are not sure which foods are safe for your dog.  For a comprehensive list of food items that are perfectly safe and even healthy for humans but are unhealthy, dangerous, or even toxic for your dogs can be found at the link below.

    If anything, please consult your vet if you are unsure of what to feed your dog!!!  

  3. Without going into detail, I will just say that some table food if fine, some is not so fine, and some can be deadly is large quantities. Either way, table food did not cause your dog's tumor.

    I wish her luck during and after the operation. I'm sure everything will go well. Just rest assured that feeding her table food could not have caused her tumor. It wasn't anything you or anyone in your family did. Things like this just happen.

  4. I don't think table food would have been the cause of her tumor, but there are heaps of human foods that are not good for dogs (onions, chocolate etc). so best to keep the human food for humans and dog food for dogs (doesn't have to be bought pre-prepared dog food, but should be prepared for your dog)

  5. I think the ingredients in the table food might have caused it. Anyways, feeding your dogs table food is just bad. Most of the food we eat contains a lot of toxins that dogs cannot eat or digest. It can cause damage to their stomach and digestive system. It is best to stick to dog food, since they will provide the right nutrients for the dogs. Dogs cannot eat onions, grapes, and many others type of food. They are poisonous to dogs. If your table food contains that, then it is causing harm to their bodies.

    I would start training to eat dog food and instead of table food. you can make food for your dogs. There are many dog recipes online, but they uses more natural and organic foods.

  6. Don't know if table food cause the tumor, but table foods are not good for your dog. You should mainly feed them dry dog food.  If I give my dogs anything it's in very small amounts.

  7. Prior to the 1950's, there were few commercially available dog food diets.  Most people in the old days fed their pets meat and "table scraps", and plenty of dogs did just fine.  Granted, back then, people were more likely to grow some of their own food, and cook nourishing meals from scratch rather than use all this pre-processed, hormonally treated, salt-cured, fattening c**p we use today.  

    My point is, "human food" alone won't cause tumors....generally speaking, things that are healthy for us, won't harm a dog.  Lean, plain cuts of meat, many veggies, eggs, etc....are perfectly safe and nutritious for a dog.  Plenty of people feed raw or home-cooked diets consisting of nothing but human-grade long as it's done properly, this is generally much healthier than any kibble diet.  Refined grains, breads, pastas, fatty or salty meats, onions, and sugary things are not good for dogs.  

    In fact, many of the cheaper commercially prepared kibble diets contain low-quality, indigestible grains (corn, wheat), unspecified meat sources (that can include roadkill and euthanized pets), and preservative chemicals, some of which have been linked to cancer.  A cheap, low-quality supermarket brand of dog food can be just as detrimental to a dog's long-term health, as a diet of fatty table food.  

    Here's a link to an interesting article- "What's Really in Pet Food"

  8. I dont think the food could have directly caused the tumor. However, depending on the dogs weight ( is it overweight, a little, alot?) and the amount of exercise it gets each day, table food can be bad for it. For instance. Some dogs can eat human food ( not all human food some like chocolate is a nono) and not become overweight. Others will gain extra weight because they will eat their normal amoount of dog food too. Dog food is better for the dog, but an occasional bite of human food will not harm the dog. Creating an overweight dog can increase the chances of it developing a tumor, but its not likely.

  9. my dog loves table food and gets tidbits of it every day and hes a healthy 7 yr old dog.But it might if its spicy or something.

  10. Table food would be a step up for my puppy.  She will eat her own poo unless I stop her.

  11. I wouldn't imagine eating 'human' food would cause a tumour, but your dog shouldn't be eating table food anyway as it's bad for his health in general. Human food is higher in fat, salt and minerals that dogs cannot digest or that can upset the balance of his own system. That's why there's dog food, cat food, rabbit food... Please don't feed your dog any more rubbish, it's really not good for him in the log run. Good luck with the operation :)

  12. i give my dog table food  all the time when ever i eat they have 2 have sum l0lz  :) my dog really likes vanilla ice cream  >.>

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