
Is taking off a headband during a game a violation?

by  |  earlier

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Today, during my volleyball match, it was the fifth game and my headband was full of sweat (gross, I know), it wasn't doing me any good, so I tossed it off the court behind our bench. This happened after the whistle, but before our server started serving. We got an ace, and the other team's coach said that my tossing of the headband distracted her team. The refs discussed it and decided she was right; they said you can't take off your equipment during the game My question is: were they right? I would really like to know as this cost us the game.




  1. this doesn't sound like a violation to me, it sounds like an excuse.  If anything should have been done, the officials should have called a replay, which is still c**p.  I have thrown debris I have seen on the court off, at any time, with no problem.  I could understand if you jumped around and made alot of noise while doing it but simply throwing off a head band to the side, off the court, is nothing.  It's sad that the other team couldn't "focus" enough on the server, instead of you.  I'd definitely be pissed if I were you.

  2. wow i did the same exact thing today at my tournament. my pre wrap head band got all gross and i threw it off the court and the reff flipped out. im like wowww its not even a distraction! so im guessing you cant take off equipment during a game haha.

  3. I believe it depends on what state your playing in, assuming your playing by state high school rules.  Certain states might have stricter rules than others regarding distracting the other team or delaying the match on one or another.  It definitely need to check your states rule book.

  4. You are aloud to take off your headband during a game. You were right, if it was that big of a deal the refs should have called a replay

  5. That is sooooo not a violation. I've thrown a ribbon that was bright green from the court to the bench, and nobody told me anything.  

    The thing is that some coaches are so desperate to win because they know they have a horrible team, so they'll do anything to win, like make-up excuses why the other team shouldn't get a point, or why their team should. Oh well, there's gonna be difficult ppl in life, and you just hav 2 put up w/ them.

  6. If that's all it took to distract the other team, they needed to go home and get their little Nappy's changed. The refs need something changed too.

  7. So many people don't know if it is a violation or not but it is. I had a headband on and it fell off my head and I didn't get to play anymore that game because it could cause someone to fall and mess up the play. It is also a violationto were any type of jewelry during a game. Also,thatgives the other team a free serve and a free point. I hope that answered your question.

  8. Well if you said your headband was all sweaty then it slapping on the floor probably made some squishy sound which could have distracted anybody, the odor could also contribute to the distraction. . .

    These coaches, hilarious that they try to find ANYTHING to make their team win

    Personally, I wouldn't consider it a violation because it's so trivial, but just play their game and keep it on or don't wear it at all, it's probably stated in the manual that you can't take off equipment during a game, you wouldn't take off your helmet while playing football, so a headband would be no different

  9. No way would it be a violation. You know, that was the lamest excuse ever! And my reply to the 1st post is (no offense) helmets and headbands are so different. Helmets are needed for safety but headbands are just like preventing your hair from your face.

  10. NO!!  that is not a violation!! you can throw whatever you want off the court!!  The other team is just trying to get another point!!  The are poor sports!!  If you were picking your nose...that could be a distraction to someone too...but they aren't going to stop you from picking your nose!!  lol but yeah you shouldn't let them get away with that c**p!!  They are just trying to s***w you up!  

    I acutally had kinda the same thing happen to me....our team was surving and one of the players from the other team  walked over to the up ref and asked me and another girl on my team to "bend over" because we were blocking the server!  And we weren't!! She had a perfect view of her!!  it was soo the joke was that the other team wanted us to BEND OVER!! lol

    But no don't let those desperate teams get away with that!! I hope you have better luck next time!! lol see ya!

  11. no the other team just probably wanted to win the game

  12. technically, yeah its a violation. rules state that uniforms must remain consistent throuhgout play, and your headband was techincally a part of your uniform. the other coach saying it was a distraction is not the proper violation though. it was just going against the rules of uniform, not distracting the other team.

  13. It is not wrong to take off your headband,many people does that too,but it didn't distract other team.

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