
Is taking the SAT as a Sophmore too much pressure?

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I took the PSAT in October and I've been preparing for the SAT since September, and I'm only a Sophmore. I take all Honors classes and do two sports throughout the course of the school year. I'm actually struggling in one class, and feel like I should be focusing on schoolwork at this age, not preparing for the SAT. I also just turned 16 years old. My parents are making me take a tutor, and a Practice SAT Test each week (I've probably done about 12 total tests by now); is this too much work for someone like me?





  1. It sounds like you and your parents are pushing a bit too hard.  You should be concentrating on school work and your sports.  The SAT's are not the only factor that colleges consider when you apply.  They want a good, well rounded student.  If you spend all your time with tutors and taking practice tests, you are missing out on a lot of the fun of high school.  Try to lighten up and get you parents to back off a bit.  Otherwise, you might burn out and have some serious problems.

  2. Absolutely not.  I begun taking my SAT's in tenth grade and by my junior year I was satisfied with my scores and chose not to take it anymore.  When all my friends were scrambling around and scheduling last minute SAT test dates our senior year, I was focusing all my attention on my classes, college applications, scholarships, and enjoying the fact that I was about to graduate.  It's definitely not a lot of pressure for someone taking Honor classes.  You're smart enough to get in those classes, you're smart enough to pass them and do well.  Besides, some of the things you learn in those classes help you with the test as well.  Good Luck!

  3. Taking it, no, but preparing for it like you're doing, yes. I don't think it's necessary to do all that preparation sophomore year, and you probably should just be focusing on your schoolwork – that's where you'll learn the vocabulary and math stuff you'll need on the SAT. You should also just be having fun; you don't need to be stressing about college at this point (just start looking at places you might want to go.)

    If it feels overwhelming, try to talk to your parents and convince them you can do the prep stuff later. (I didn't do any prep until the middle of my junior year, took it once in March, got a great score and am now headed to my first-choice college. I don't think more prep = higher scores necessarily.)

  4. I was just like you in high school.  I don't want to burst your bubble, but unless you plan on going to some private college and becoming a high end attorney or doctor, it really doesn't matter!!!  If you're going to go to a state college to get your bachelors, I suggest going to community college to get all your non-major classes out of the way first.  You will save a bundle of money and nobody will care where you went for your 1st two years.  You probably can't wait to live on campus and party yada yada, but you could do that your junior and senior year and get MUCH better housing.  They put all the freshmen in the worst buildings!!!

    Chill out a bit and have some fun, I wish I did.  Keep taking the honors classes because you will breeze thru the non-major classes while others struggle, but don't stress about the SAT's.  Community colleges don't care and when you go to transfer, the university won't care either!!

    I'm very successful in my career and nobody cared where I got my degree nor did they care what my GPA was.  You will get all the goodies needed in your career with your first entry level job.  :)

  5. I took it at 16 and passed well. It just sucks because it takes so long, but I don't think it's a big deal.  If you're taking honor classes you are smart enough for it, but that may be a big work load all together.  If you are feeling stressed, talk to your parents. Let them know that you have a lot of stuff on your plate right now. If you think you can handle it, then you probably can. Go for it! :D

  6. Yes, it's definitely too much at this stage.  You don't need to take it yet, and you should focus on your classes instead.

    There are plenty of book guides and programs to help prepare you for the SAT, but there is no need to obsess about it yet.

    Talk with your parents and suggest that you postpone the SAT preparation until the summer so you can focus on your classes instead.  A tutor is great, but s/he should be helping you with your coursework right now, not test prep.

  7. No, just don't necessarily consider it your final SAT score. I took the SAT as a sixth grader. I made a 930 on it. Obviously, I wasn't satisfied with that result, so I took it again in high school and made a 1310. Not perfect, but much better. If you take the SAT as a practice test, you'll be much more relaxed when you take it "for real" later on.

  8. No, it's not too much pressure. Preparing for college is a lot of pressure that you have to deal with, IMO. I took the SAT's even younger than that and it really helped me. It's best to take them several times.

  9. i didn't take any SAT tutoring when I was your age but i did take the SATs as a freshman. I'd recommend you do it, but not take it too seriously right now just because you still have a bit of learning to do before you can really take that test. the experience will help you know what to expect.

  10. can't answer this question, is it too much work for you?

    School is not going to get easier for you and a bonus of taking the SAT early is that you can take it as many times as you like and just keep the higher scores. I was working at least 25 hours a week (fresh + soph went to 30-40 junior and senior years), taking advanced courses , sports (not in school outside leagues) and still managed to always get high As, keep a social life and get into the university I wanted to get into with decent amount of scholarships.

    So basically if you can handle it then it is alright.

  11. No, its great..there is no pressure at all it leaves room for improvement the next 2 years!

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