
Is talent inherited??......since i was a kid i knew how to draw?

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i knew howda draw good...i mean i could draw people at the barely age of 5 or so....but my aunt told me that her grandpa did draw too and that he was good too? she told me i inherited the talent from i shouldnt be proud of myself??..should i thank her grandfather for this talent???...




  1. its all in the genes and you should be proud that you have that skill and not many others were able to draw good when they were 5

  2. Some talents and skills do seem to be "in the genes." This, however, does not diminish the pride one should take in developing and honing those skills. Some people are born with great talents but fail to use them, while others develop them even further than their forefather/foremother did.

  3. My mother & her sisters are in a christian singing group, my grandmother sang with the Carter sisters back in the 30s & 40s, 2 of my cousins have been musical theater majors. I can sing, my brother can sing, my son can sing, so I don't know if it inherited or like a second nature. I just always sang all the time, my mom sang to me and taught me how to hold notes. I think it might be something musical in out gene pool.

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