
Is talkin tounges bad ?

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see talking in tounges is it bad




  1. speaking in tongues is not bad. It is not well understood outside the Pentecostal and Assembly of God Churches, in my opinion, but it IS Biblical.

    There is, when there are two or more in the Spirit, one who prophesies in tongues and one to translate what was said.

    Then there are times when in prayer, hard and fast prayer, that one speaks in tongues, and is speaking directly to God.

    I have listed the Biblical references for what I am speaking of below if you want to read them and look for yourself. I suggest reading them from your own Bible, so that you fully understand it.

    Mark 16:17

    And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

    Acts 2:4

    And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

    Acts 19:6

    And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

    1 Corinthians 12:10

    To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

  2. How the **** do you expect to talk in tongues? If English is your first tongue i'd love to see your attempts at another one.

  3. We must be very careful, there are records in the bible of Holy and spiritual gifts.

    But as an individuals experience we must gaurd against.

    Not letting  Evil have a place is key. It's the Evil Language which we must refuse.

    So if its Evil yes its bad very bad.

    it's a trap. The Bible says to keep your tongue from speaking Evil.

    It is way to scary for me. I have to admit some i have heard has sounded Evil, some amazing but others Ouch !!! absolutely Hideous.  

  4. No, but your spelling is.

  5. Yes, it is. I was raised in it. When the "holy spirit" came out of me it was my dead step brother.

  6. When the holy spirit gave the gift of conversation with foreigners to the apostles at Pentecost, they were able to communicate with anyone in the crowd, in his or her own native language. So it lead to a huge crowd of instant conversions to Jesus and Jehovah.

    Today it serves no useful need and has degenerated into babble. Unintelligible sounds. If someone does it today most know they are just looking for attention. God's people don't have a need for it.

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  7. It depends what you mean by your question.

    If you mean talking in a different language other than your own,say your language is english and you can speak spanish or french,then that is good!You can speak to other people that speak that language also.Very useful!

      If your talking about people babbling in church,then it is not good.God is not the author of confusion! If God is speaking to you or through you by the Holy Spirit then you and others will know exactly what He is saying! If the Holy Spirit speaks through you,you will KNOW it!

      No where in the Word has the Spirit spoke in babblings,no where,it is not in the Bible.

      There were a few verses listed to support this so called "talking in tongues",you should read them so that there will be no misunderstanding about what is being spoke of.If you have a Greek Concordance,look up this word tongues in there also.Don't let nobody rob you of your blessings!

      Here's the vs. that was listed...

      Mark 16:17 The new tongues here is speaking a language other than your own so you can teach the Word to those people.If you did not speak their language then you would need an interpeter.

      Acts 2:4,19:6 This is talking about the cloven tongue.This is when the Holy Spirit falls on all so that everyone will UNDERSTAND what the person is saying,no matter what language you speak.No interpeter is needed.

      1 Cor.12:10 This is the same meaning as in Mark 16:17 above.

      It is good to have teachers of the Word BUT always check them out in the Word to see if what they say is true!

    edit...1 Cor.14:2, speak only english and you go to Mexico.You meet someone there and want to tell them about the Lord but they only speak Spanish.You can tell them all you want but they will not understand you,the Holy Spirit is the only one that is understanding what your saying cause He knows all tongues(languages).

      These christians that speak in tongues really believe they are doing something Holy,from their misunderstanding of Gods Word.How do you think God feels about it,making His Word to be a lie?They are doing satans work ignorantly.There's a great apostasy going on and it will come to a climax soon.Mens traditions are being taught in our churches today.Remember what Amos said? Amos 8:11 The famine of the last days is for hearing the Word of the Lord!

  8. its not because there is no such thing,just another very silly christian thing.

  9. Something tells me you are either very drunk or you dont speak English.....

  10. no  

  11. No, speaking in tongues is a Gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the supernatural utterance in languages not known to the speaker. These languages may be existent in the world or unknown in the sense that they are a means of communication inspired by thr Holy Spirit. ( 1 Corintans 12:8-10 ). It is a power gift.

  12. What ARE you on about?

  13. Nope,  It is the Holy Spirit talking through you to God.  It builds you up, strengthens you and can even bring healing and deliverance.  The Holy Spirit knows what you need, but you have to ask for it.  Tongues is a 'shortcut' that ensures you are praying for what you need.  Try walking down the street speaking in tongues to your mobile phone!  Go on, I dare you.  It's GR8!

  14. Do you mean speaking in other tongues?

    In the Bible, glossolalia is a gift of the Spirit.

  15. If you read 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 2:

    For one who speaks in an unknown tongue, speaks not to men but TO GOD - for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the Holy Spirit he utters SECRET TRUTHS and hidden things (not obvious to the understanding)

    So no it's not bad to speak in tongues - the people who say it is bad are scared the gift is not from God - this text says it is from God - you receive the gift of tongues when you receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost/Spirit - that means the *power* of God's spirit ignites, strengthens and empowers you to do amazing things in His name..

    Hope i've helped a little

    God bless you

  16. When done according to the Bible, its a good thing.

    Paul the Apostle said he wished everyone would.

  17. Only if you are not under the Spirit's influence.  But sometimes when God's presence overwhelms you, you react by talking in tongues.  It is the initial evidence of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, which gives believers power for effective Christian witness.

    Contrary to what many believe, this isn't just for really holy believers.  It is available to all believers, once you are hungry for God and have the faith.

  18. Yes, seek an exorcist immediately

  19. What do you mean??

    Talking in tongues, meaning "languages"?

    No, it's not bad- the more you speak the better.

    Rolling on the floor, frothing at the mouth and blabbering?

    No, it's not bad.

    It's MAD.

  20. Paul wrote that if there is no interpreter to keep silent.   When a whole host of people talk in tongues at one time that's confusion.  But if it's done right it's not bad.

  21. Build Yourself Up !

        But ye, beloved, building up yourselves, on your most HOLY faith, praying in the Holy Ghost ( Jude 20 )

        There was a time that, after I came to the fullness of the understanding of this scripture, I didn't want to pray in the prayer language, because I wanted to know just exactly what I was praying about, and knew the spirit was praying in the perfect understanding, going PAST my mind...

        That was a time of great trials, of which I was pretty tired of, and knew the spirit would just keep me in them. Thank God I finally came around to Gods way of thinking, and welcomed the intercession.

        Many gifts are given , mostly for the edification of the saints, but this gift is mainly for the building up of the believers PERSONAL relationship with God, and the things that are to confront us in the spiritual realm that we know little of how to combat.

        This kind of praying give instant benefits, and benefits that are to come. It is in FAITH, because one has to TRUST God and His Wisdom and ability to work things out...even though we know the praying could be putting trials on us.

        Romans 8 : 26, 27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities : for we know not what we should pray for as we ought : but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the HEARTS, knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

        My heart cries out to those that have this gift, saying, don't allow it to become stagnant : Utilize it daily !

        Pray for the saints ...

  22. no, it is not. the spirit is stronger than the flesh and blood body that we have and by speaking in tongues we can communicate with God on a more intimate level and strengthen our spirit to help us control the temptations and weakness of the body.

  23. No, it is not bad it is Biblical.

  24. Everyone talks tongues.  If they don't have a tongue, then they don't talk.  Some tongues talk bad.

    And also it seems you are tempting people to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  When someone says the gifts of the Holy Spirit is evil, then that is near blasphemy of the Holy Spirit if it isn't actual blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    God doesn't just look away when someone calles Gods Spirit evil. Gods protections leaves that person & the person is oppressed or possessed of demons.

    But one does have to realize that some talking toungues are talking by demonic inspiration & that is really too bad.  A person needs to discern it by what is said.  If a person is loving & praising God in toungues, then that is something demons can't copy cat.  Demons copy cats mock God or cause doubt or fear, etc...

    Israel,  Teaching the people how to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit isn't sorcery.  And teaching different languages isn't sorcery either.  But a person needs to be taught that they need to trust & obey God & also start praising God to receive this gift.  People need to start speaking.  I like your answer, but the last part isn't 100% correct.  It is true that we can't conjure up the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  But we do have to receive it by acting out in faith to receive.

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