
Is target or walmart cheaper?

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for baby supplies is target or walmart cheaper and why do u perfer that store




  1. walmart both carries siliar products so you might want to go to both store to check it out

  2. walmart is cheaper, but target has better quality

  3. depends on what you are buying. i prefer target. i often find diapers on sale at target and other items but i do think they have the cutest baby clothes and blankets.  

  4. Walmart is cheaper but on the cheap diapers I think there about the same that's what I notice though.  

    I got some 1.20 shorts though for my baby from target, and walmart i've only seen it like 3.00

  5. Walmart is slightly cheaper BUT Target has a wider selection and better quality things in stock

    I never shop at Walmart for baby items...

  6. I like Target better, but for baby items Walmart is cheaper especially for formula.

  7. walmart, target is always a bit more on almost everything.

  8. WALMART. That is one of my favorite stores because you can get everything there. My baby is 22 months and most of her things came from Walmart. Stroller/ car seat, playpen, clothes, diapers, you name it.

  9. both.. they're prettymuch the same

  10. It depends on what your buying. On something wal-mart is on others target.  

  11. walmart

  12. it depends where you live.  I've seen places where targets are cheaper typically if it's in an area where the competition is very near by.

  13. wal-mart is cheaper

  14. Walmart isn't necessarily cheaper sometimes Target can beat out walmart in Price plus you don't have to deal with the madhouse and i think walmarts selection of baby stuff is horrid. I like the bigger aisles plus i love being able to take my time and not feeling like i am getting closed in. People think walmart is cheaper because of the way its marketed. And Target has been seen as a more of an  upscale store thus it has to be more expensive not true. I am an avid Target Shopper and i hate walmart.

  15. Walmart is cheaper ... Target is cheaper than most stores too but they are still not as much as Walmart, they have the same stuff!

  16. walmart and their store brand items are way better than targets store brand items

  17. WalMart is for most everything, except a diaper rash treatment called Triple Paste, loved it the best thing ever, anyway, WalMart only sells the small tube for like $9, but Target sell the this huge jar of it 3X whats in the tube and the jar cost $23 - so in that case Target is the best, but most everything else is cheaper at WalMart.  Target does have different things and a bigger selection than WalMart, like they sell Muchkun products which are cheap and great and look at the toys at Target, they ususally have way more and are the same price as WalMart.  But for everyday things like formula, diapers, wipes, baby food, bathing stuff WalMart has the better prices. I have a 16month old, so we do WalMart all the time, for different things and toys we go to Target.

  18. Walmart is cheaper but id rather shop at target.

  19. wal-mart they have alot of nice stuff also  they have a lot of baby stuff that is really cute if u are haveing a girl and they have alot ofv nice stuff for baby boys also  

  20. Wal Mart is cheaper, but at target when they put things on clearance you can find stuff for dirt cheap. I got some cute shorts for my son one year for 50 cents a piece, I snagged like 3 of them!

  21. I prefer target and the slightly higher prices. At my local wal-mart it is extremely crowded! Barely room to fit carts in between rows. Also there are usually 300 or more people there at one time.

    Target also has a higher quality and higher selection of things for everyone around. The selection of baby stuff at walmart is very limited to a view brand and they always stick with the same thing. like the winnie the pooh line of Graco strollers and car seats for example. Nothing wrong with them but I prefer something less generic and common.

    I can never find good clothes for my kids or at least a good selection, they have a VERY small selection of baby supplies. Diapers, wipes, lotions, and such. Those are among the few things I will find. I am not going to find the baby sling that I want there. The bottles I like aren't there. The last time I went there is could only find one set of jammies for my baby and i had no selection. It was the ugly ones or none. I went none. While target is more expensive it is usually by cents rather than dollars. Target also sells a higher quality brand of car seats than walmart. And they have a larger selection of those car seats.

    Also at wal-mart I find it to be a very dirty place. At the target near my home it is always clean. That is just my preference. If you want low prices you are also going to pay for low quality. Not all things are low quality at walmart, but like I said in my neighborhood the walmart itself is very low quality itself. At target I pay for a quieter, calmer shopping experience. It is stress free and I am not literally fighting for a register or waiting more than 5 minutes for check out.

    I rather pay more at target and get what I need than pay cheaper and not get what I need but get a very frustrating and anxious day.

  22. Walmart is cheaper but they both have nice things!

  23. walmart is cheaper but only by a few cents, not by much at all! i prefer target! they have more of a selection for everything a baby needs!

  24. Walmart is a horrible place, I would never shop there.  I don't know if it's cheaper, but I'd recommend Target.

  25. Walmart is cheaper but in general target has some nicer things that walmart doesn't have so I shop there more. However DO NOT buy target baby formula. The first ingredient is corn syrup solids - now there's a great habit to start young.

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