
Is tea better for you than coffee?

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Is tea better for you than coffee?




  1. Green tea has a bunch of antioxidants, as well as having much lower doses of caffeine in it. Black tea has more caffeine, though still less than coffee. I think black tea also has a fair number of antioxidants in it, too. I would go with green tea, though, if I were you.

    Remember, though, that it ends up not really being healthy much at all if you load it up with sugar and cream. Try brewing some teas with cinnamon or mint in them if you want a little bit more flavor.

  2. tea is better coffee is bad and addicting

  3. They're both about the same as long as you don't drink too much.

  4. Coffee may never makes up for the green tea!

  5. Tea is better, it is full of antioxidants.

  6. tea is healthy for yew and coffe just makes you awake

  7. Yes it is, and green tea is the best as it prevents aging as it is full of anti oxydants. Even doctors recommend drinking some.

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