
Is tea better for you then water because of the antioxidants?

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Is tea better for you then water because of the antioxidants?




  1. on some level, but not green dyed teas, they mess up your liver

    but water is a classic YES

  2. NO

  3. If it's caffeinated, no

  4. It all depends on what your body needs.  For hydration purposes, water is the clear winner.  Most tea has caffeine, a diuretic (ie makes you pee more), which is obviously not good for hydration.  Then if you put sugar and whatnot in your tea, that's more dissolved particles that need to be worked out of your bloodstream when all your body really needs is water.  The antioxidants in tea are beneficial, but more when taken as a leisure drink.  However, if you're referring to prepackaged teas, such as Lipton green tea, the high amount of corn syrup pumped into that stuff probably counteracts any health benefits despite what the commercials say.  Make your own tea for drinking around the house and work; take water when your running a marathon or spending a weekend in Death Valley.

  5. both are good. some natural teas, help wash bad things out of your body but water helps you keep hydrated and has no fat, cholesterol etc... but natural teas have vitamins sometimes so yeah.

  6. Tea is great for you as long as you don't make like we do in Georgia with 2 cups of sugar per gallon.  Water is the best always.  And don't let food industry sell you on flavored water, it's free and tastes just fine to me out of the sink...thank you very much.

  7. No, because tea also has all of that sugar.

  8. It depends on the sugar and calories ect...

  9. maybe once in awhile but not always. Water is always better if u just need a drink. while tea can fill up,warm up and give u some cafinee but i wouldnt make it a causal drink.

  10. Herbal teas have no calories or caffeine.

  11. You shouldn't drink too much tea because it has caffiene

  12. You need to drink water regardless.

  13. no, don't compare things to water, you actually necessitate water. plus water is an ingredient of tea. so even if it wasn't a necessity you might as well ask what is better chef salad or lettuce.

  14. No, tea is a diuretic naturally. This mean it makes you urinate more. Water is ALWAYS ALWAYS the best thing for you. (Even better than milk) It keeps you hydrated. The antioxidants in tea are good for you, but it is not a replacement for water.

  15. I think so

  16. No water is always the best thing for you, keeps you hydrated.

  17. NO.  Once you put anything into water, the body stops processing it as water and instead processes it as food.   Your body needs half of its weight in ounces of water a day to successfully process you.   The majoriety of people on the earth never get enough pure water in their system.   When we do not drink enough pure water, then the brain which lives in water will actually rob the other organs of their water sourses to survive.  The brain needs more water than any other part of the human body to function at its peek performance.   There is no substitute for water no matter how many minerals they add to it or what kind of zest they put into it, even making it vitamin water.   The body needs it pure to process it as water.   That is fact.   So if you want to benefit from vitamins in water or from tea in water, do so after you have consumed what you body needs first of pure water.    Check the sight out below.

    One more thing... caffine will actually deplete your water in your body.   For every cup of coffee or coke you drink, you will lose twice as much of that in pure water from your tissues.   That is why they can make you swell up.   So if you do drink those things with caffine in them, then for every cup you drink, be sure to drink 2 more of plain water to balance your system.

  18. No.

  19. Better? !!!!!

    Green tea is very good for you.

  20. Water is best..

  21. They are neck and neck. For every cup of tea , drink the same amount of water, otherwise you will get dehydrated.

    I luv green tea btw XD

  22. im thinking good old fashioned water is better b/c it washes out any impurities. keeps infections out and body hydrated.

  23. no tea hes just as much caffine as a cup of coffee, waters the bast for you...

  24. Yes, and it temporarily raises your metabolism.

  25. A herbal tea that is all natural / organic and has no caffeine is very good for you. But none of that c**p that is already bottled. Make it fresh from tea leaves or at least from a tea bag. Don't put sugar in it and it will be healthier. But if you like it a little sweet, put raw cane/demerara sugar in it (honey and brown sugar is really good too!). Don't over do it! That is the whole point of tea, to be raw and natural. Don't pollute it with a bunch of sugar. If your going to do that, might as well drink a soda!

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