
Is teaching English in China a poor choice to improve my long-term prospects there?

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I've read that teaching English in China offers relatively good pay compared to other entry-level jobs there, as well as being an easier job to obtain in the first place.

However, if I plan to be in China long-term (or have a career heavily related to China, if not actually living in-country), is teaching English a poor place to start?

It seems to me that it would be valuable, as it would allow me to begin learning the culture and the language, and provide experience in China in general.

However, someone recommended that I instead try to get an entry-level office job if I plan on being in China long-term, despite the fact that it would pay less and be more difficult to get.

So, what's your advice?





  1. this fellow has the same trouble,u can have a look at how he thinks and others advice

  2. We all have to start somewhere right? Start at teaching English and see where it will lead you


  3. I think you can earn a long-term prospects through teaching because you can gain experience with Chinese people and exchange thoughts. Besides teaching you can do other jobs liking working on radio and TV, they need a lot of foreigners too.

        You can go to www. to look up what other foreigners doing in China and have a good life in China!

  4. I suggest that you come and learn the language at a local university, teach part-time and you will benefit from getting to do both.

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