
Is teaching considered a blue collar job?

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if you're a professor is that a blue collar job, too?




  1. I believe teaching would fall under a white collar job. Since you are working in an office environment.  

  2. Teaching is a professional occupation, however the standards of attire worn has deteriorated over the years. Even in universities today some professors look as though they had slept in the clothes they wear to work.

    Much of this has come about because the 'do gooders' in our society believe that how one is dressed has no bearing on the ability to teach or learn. Sadly many in the teaching profession believe this also. I have seen no evidence that suggests teaching and learning is enhanced by being slovenly or untidy in ones attire. Neither is there evidence to suggest that being well dressed is detrimental either. Have you ever seen a demonstration by teachers when they have been on strike? They are not a very professional looking bunch.

    Many governments that are responsible for employing teachers have lowered the status of the profession as a result of paying inadequate salaries.  As the saying goes ' if you pay peanuts you get monkeys'. The professional status of teachers will improve when the salary paid is more attractive and also when the teachers themselves project that image.

  3. Of course not! I personally never thought of teaching as blue collar. If anything, it's the opposite (unless of course it's a welding or carpentry teacher, in which case it would be a vocational teacher). Most teachers have a 'gray collar' -- including professors.

  4. Yeah, In America it is. Education is just so valued there, and it shows.

  5. In general, I think if you had to go to college or university in order to be able to do it you are a white collar worker.  If it is a trade or somehting like working in a restaurant..then blue collar.  

  6. nope you are white collar then

  7. Depends, some professors such as science and engineering professors are paid very, very well. However, most liberal arts professors like history, English, etc. aren't paid well at all.  

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