
Is teaching special education in elementary or middle school better?

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What are the challenges of both grade levels? I am applying to teach in a high-needs school and I am trying to decide which level I should pursue. Thanks!




  1. I myself am just like you.  I don't know which is better.  I'm a first year teacher looking for a job in SPED.  Honestly I prefer Middle School.

  2. Little kids are cuter and sweeter...but you have to really show them how to do every little thing.  They are fun and will hug you and think you are the greatest....but they wet their pants and their noses are gross and they forget to brush their teeth a lot so look out.....they cry....more hands on than middle grades....

    Middle School- this is a tough crowd.  They have smart mouths and lose everything.  But they think they invented cheating on tests, curse words, and cool music and videos....they think you are wierd.  It brings back a lot of fun and not so fun memories.  They change before your eyes from little kids to teenagers.  It really is incredible- like watching flowers grow.  But they start puberty and stink a lot...especially the boys.  

    My advice is to go with your gut.  Do exactly what you want to do and you won't have regrets, even if you want to try the other grades later.

  3. I have taught in all three areas in both suburban and inner-city.  My experience is that high-school level to be the most fun and rewarding in both suburban and urban areas.  

    The middle school age I didn't handle very well because of the raging hormones...inside kids that couldn't understand what was happening with their bodies.

    Elementary was great, alot more work! Elementary is the basis for which all the rest of schooling will be based. Huge responsibility and careful conditioning.

    High-school...The kids have their basics already (don't pick your nose, wash your ahnds after bathroom and so on) At this age is a lot of prep for as much independance as possible.

    and is wonderful seeing these kids turn into young adults

  4. High School by far! They all have their individual personalities developed by then and they are somewhat (not often a lot... but somewhat) more well behaved. They have more grown up problems yet they're so cute still! I LOVE working at the high school level and wouldn't trade it for the world.

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