
Is team usa plaing today??? when does the olympic basketball tournament start>?

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Is team usa plaing today??? when does the olympic basketball tournament start>?




  1. Yes, team USA is playing today.

    The 2008 Olympic basketball competition runs August 10-24 (that's Beijing time -- in the USA the first games technically start the night of August 9), with the main round of action August 10-18, the quarterfinals on August 20, semifinals on August 22, and finals on August 24.

  2. there playing right now on the espn channel

  3. There playing today against Canada

  4. The OLYPICS start 8-8-08 in Bejing. No games are played on that date though.

  5. on august 8, in bejing, i tink the games start the next day or the day after though

  6. think like the 26th, so tomorrow?

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