
Is technology really the answer???

by Guest61138  |  earlier

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I've never been too keen on umpires using technology as there are too many decisions that are never "clear cut" and I was brought up the believe the umpires always right.

Umpire Benson has had two decisions changed by technology but both of his original decisions have since been proved correct!! This to me makes a joke of the system and to my mind vindicates my personal thoughts.

I bet at the time Benson must have felt a bit angry to be proved wrong twice but i bet now he's feeling pretty pleased that he got the decisions right and technology got them wrong.

Umpires 2 Technology 0!

If we are to use technology it must be foolproof or we should only use it for line decisions and I cant see it ever being foolproof .




  1. Everything has its plus points & minus points. From a larger perspective though, I think allowing 3 reviews is not a bad idea. Change is a need sometimes, you see this introduction of technology is resulted from the frequent umpiring errors & technology may not be correct all the times but certainly "most" of the times will be.

  2. I fully agree with your views that if technology should be used, the same should be fool proof.

  3. technology is still inclusive

  4. Yes!

  5. technology is used not to make decisions.. it is used to revert any wrong decisions made by humans...

    REMEMBER SYDNEY TEST... if only review system was available at that test then.......

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