
Is technology the same thing as science?

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Is technology the same thing as science?




  1. No. There are different types of science as there are different types of technologies. The one uses the other for advancement. Science uses technology for more accurate measurements, greater safety and better data-collectionas an example. At the same time technology advances after breakthroughs in science. Although they are basically inseparable, they are two parts of a duo.

  2. science is seeking knowledge about the world around us. The word science comes from the Latin scio-to know

    technology is the use of science to do things better, it involves all the inventins

  3. not at all!!!

    technology evolved from science.

    for instance, where would all the electrical appliances we use today be if some scientist didn't discover 'electricity' and that you could actually harness it.

    All the discoveries are made in science, the various techniques to make use of these discoveries are founded in technology.

  4. No.  Science is a process of discovery and evidence-checking and organization that seeks to find out how the natural world works.  For example:  Why do things fall, and the Moon stays up?  Newton thought about this and organized it and came up with laws of gravity.  But what can you DO with gravity?

    Technology, by contrast, is the body of knowledge that enables us to do things in the world.  Putting a rocket into orbit uses the laws of gravity, inertia, chemistry (rocket fuel), etc.  Determining the maximum safe speed for a truck to go downgrade uses the laws of gravity, thermodynamics (brake cooling), etc.

    Technology means literally "knowing how to do."  Science means literally "knowledge."

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