
Is teenage pregnancy "nature's way" of compensating for childless professional women?

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While some say there is a teenage pregnancy problem, some spiritualists are seeing a "nature's balance" kick in where one part of society is not having children and others are taking up the slack to compensate for this. Opinion?




  1. Hmm that sounds like a double standard to me. But IDK Children by no means should be haven kids and given birth.

  2. teenage pregnancy is the result of unprotected s*x plain and simple

    i don't think there is slack to be taken - the world certainly has enough people in it

  3. My opinion is that the people who think that are particularly dumb.

  4. Teen pregnancy is not a natural balance it is merely unprotected s*x, bad child rearing, and a clear lack of education.  The world is populated enough and will continue to be so.

  5. over 6 billion people in the world?

    I don't think it's balancing anything.

  6. by "some spiritualist" do you mean yourself?

    the world is already overpopulated... perhaps women's lib is in perfect rhythm with mother nature's plan, hum hum?

  7. The world is becoming more overpopulated every second.  We're using up our resources.  Nature's way is that children in poor countries are starving and homeless because of drought, war, and disease.  Teenage pregnancy is a huge problem.  It's not a solution to anything.

  8. Actually, teen pregnancy is going DOWN. It's just a lot more in the public eye than every before.

  9. No, because there is nothing "unnatural" to "compensate" for.

    Teenage pregnancy is a social problem. Especially in the US, where it is a significant cause of poverty.

  10. Teenagers get pregnant regardless of how many "childless professional women" exist, so it's obviously not a response to anything.

    The reality is much simpler: teenagers are stupid, and teenagers are horny. So teenagers have s*x without contraception, and thus teenagers get pregnant.

  11. Teenagers often feel invincible when it comes to certain things...for instance, drinking, driving without regard to speed limits and/or the safety of other motorists, smoking (either pot or cigarettes) and also engaging in unprotected s*x.

    These teen girls either don't realize that they can become pregnant if they have unprotected s*x -or- that they are just don't care about the consequences.

    Your statement would be true if the girls actually put their child up for adoption.  Many times, these girls want a baby because they want someone to love and someone who will love them back.  These girls and their children end up being raised, cared for medically, and fed by tax payers like myself.  They get assistance through the state programs and are being paid to have more children and not have to actually work for a living.

    I personally know a woman who had her first child very young.  She ended up with 3 children all having different fathers...Come on???  She was out of control!  I also know a girl (17) who is due with her first child in September. Her mother had her first child at 17 as well.  That apple didn't fall too far from the tree...

    Nature has nothing to do with the teenagers having babies...It's purely STUPIDITY!  They are not ready to raise someone while their parents still are "raising them"!

  12. Her ein england teenage pregnancy is equalling teenagers being given free rent, house and money by the government. So professional women are paying taxes so these idiots can have a free ride.

  13. I actually don't see how the two can compare. Those childless professional women probably never wanted children anyway and it's great they have that choice instead of being forced into a lifestyle that is not suited for them. Now, on the other hand, teenage pregnancy is a serious problem. Many of those girls will end up on welfare or working at dead-end jobs

  14. No, I think it's a sign that our teenagers are having s*x, and that all the garbage about "safe s*x" and "waiting until you're with someone you loooooooooove" isn't working as well as parents would like to think.

  15. No, it's just ignorant kids having unprotected s*x -

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