
Is teething supposed to be THIS BAD???

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So for the past 5 days Ive been to the point of insanity... my son wont nap for more then about 10 minutes, when he wakes up hes super cranky... he cries for the most part of the day... unless I'm holding him, then sometimes he still cries... he also has a runny nose and his face is very red... he has a white spot on his gums and I'm pretty sure its a tooth... can he be this miserable? Should I take him to the doctor? How long does it take to get a tooth? and how can I help him?




  1. That's normal... Alyssa is the same way when she teethes and those darn teeth take forever to actually come in.

  2. yes its normal ummmm think about a tooth coming through ur skin try baby orajel sum babys dont like it but just give it a try the teeth take a while to come in and if he doesnt like the orajel make an app. with the doc and ask for some pain killers for the baby

    Good Luck and God Bless

  3. Alright my Dear,one word orajel!!! Rub this on his gums and it will ease the pain.You can also give him motrin or Tylenol for the pain.Try freezing teething rings.If you need a break put him in his play pin and walk away for a few minutes,It won't hurt him to scream at the top of his lungs.

  4. It can take several weeks to get a tooth in.  Generally the pain goes away once the tooth breaks in.

    Sounds like a normal baby teething though a little on the extreme side - but normal.  You can help him by giving him Tylenol if he is uncomfortable.  I also used the homepathic tablets at Walmart and homeopathic teething drops from Target.  The combination seemed to work great.  I also would give my son a Fresh Food Feeder (Munchkin brand at Target, One Step Ahead sells them too) and put an ice cube in it.  Works every time!

  5. try rubbing a little pure vanilla extract on his gums.  it may help. vanilla has numbing qualities. it does have alcohol in it though, but you just dab a little on the gum line  so it's pretty harmless.  (my doc gave us the thumbs up, you may want to ask your doc first).  when my baby has a tooth coming in she's usually fussy for 2-4 days before it breaks through. she seems to be especially sore at night time and that's when i do the vanilla extract (make sure it's pure).  when my baby has a tooth coming in she also makes a kissing face with her lips and seems to rub her tongue on the sore spot.  

  6. Use baby orajel, works wonders for my daughter. and tylenol helps them a lot my daughter hasn't been sleeping and when I give her tylenol she passes out in like 15 min.'s for hours. Wet a washcloth and give it to him to chew on. It will be over soon, for now just love him and everytime you get upset remind yourself he is in pain and you need to comfort him because of this.Good luck!

  7. I feel for you girl. My daughter was a little cranky when she got her bottom 2 teeth. then when the top 2 came out, OMG!  She was horrible. She wouldn't sleep, hardly ate. She was up all night. It actually lasted for like a week.

    I gave her Motrin (ask your doctor). I also used teething tablets. Orajel never worked for her. I also told pacifiers that someone had bought her (she doesn't use htem) and cut a slit in the top, filled it with water, and froze. she loves the cold water that melts out of it.  

  8. Think about this, you know how bad a tooth ache hurts? Well a tooth is pushing its way through the gums, that has to hurt very bad! Use the baby ointment stuff, it numbs the gums so it doesnt hurt as much, and use baby aspirin.

    Btw check to see if he has a fever, he might have a cold. If you are super worried, call the doctor they give you the best peace of mind!

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