
Is telekenesis really possible?

by Guest62871  |  earlier

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telekenesis is the ability to move things with your mind.




  1. im the head of a paranormal group (P.I.U.) and i have never seen or heard of anyone who can really do it all of them have either been fakes or frauds theres alot of tricks out there

    you really got to be a skeptic if someone say they can do things thats are "beyond human ablitiy"

    the mind is powerful but it cant effect things around you

  2. No.  Despite many claims of this ability, no one has ever been able to demonstrate it when they were kept from cheating, and it would break several laws of physics.  So until someone demonstrates this power to a scientist and proves half of science wrong (which would make that person extremely rich and famous), we can safely assume it's impossible.

  3. Although I have a classical trained scientific background, I think anything is possible especially when you consider the rapid amount of new discoveries made virtually every day. You never know what is impossible today may be common place tomorrow. Flying to the moon was once thought of as impossible, yet we don't even blink an eye when the latest shuttle mission takes off.  There are documented cases from the old Soviet Union (Russia) which have also been filmed by American researchers. If you are interested try and track down a copy of Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain published in 1971. It makes very interesting reading even if you are a skeptic. Here is a website that you can try:

    You can also try Amazon or Ebay.

  4. Im sure it is. It would just need to be studied and practed.

    The us govement is experimenting with telekenesis and teleportation as well as many other mental "magics"

  5. yes

  6. no it is physically impossible to do things like that most people who do such things are con artists, or magicians wires fish line and magnets all i got to say

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