
Is telekinesis real??? How do i do it??? Thanks?

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just wondering if its real and how do i do it




  1. uri gellar from the 70'S WAS THE ORIGINAL ONE  he can teach u for 499$.....i bet

  2. Fake.

    You can't.

    You're welcome.

  3. I believe it is. But I think people with this ability can't do much more than bend some spoons. (You can bend spoons using non-supernatural tricks, but that's another story).

    Here's a link that might help:

  4. No, it is not.  If that were so, wouldn't all those that could, be doing it, I know I would.

  5. telekinesis

    is mine over matter

    you have to block ever thing out

    medation is the key

    when you learn to clear ever thing from your mind

    you will be able to master tk, pk. ek

    ever thing from head to toe

    you must allso have a clean arura

    and have charcas open

    when you get to the point were you can clear your mine and keep thoghts out you can do t.k

    t.k includes

    moving things with the mine

    psi balls, shields


    astrul projetion


    feel others pain and feelings

    using your astrul body

    do this and you will

    learn telekinesis

  6. Heh it could be real telekinesis is a born power

  7. Though it is real I dont think it is possible right now.  There may be some who can do it just barely but can barely get it off the ground.  Im sure in the near future telekinesis will be very real and easy to access.  God bless.

  8. There has never been a convincing case of somebody doing

    telekinesis. Uri Gellar proved he was fake because he once was a judge at

    the Miss America Pageant, and not a single strap broke! (Unless

    of course, he is g*y.)

  9. photoshopped

  10. telekinesis is very real, I use it all the time in everything i do, always controlling a highly complex machine with my mind alone.

  11. Telekinesis is old hat!

    Erotokinesis is the new buzz word! Up to date, s**y and relevant to today's society!

    Erotokenetics is the new way to attract people and enhance your own erotic experience.

    Discovered and being developed right here on this forum.

    Accredited scientists across all disciplines are awaiting the opportunity to research this new phenomenon!

    Please be patient while our theories and techniques are being researched and perfected, more information will be released here soon.

  12. I'm telekinetic and if you want my powers you must make animal sacrifices to me.

  13. Telekinesis more recently called psychokinesis or mind-matter interaction does have supporting evidence from scientific experiments conducted for more than 27 years that show slight influences (not control) over such things as random number generators, decaying radioactive particles and thrown dice. There is no evidence (or claims) in science that anyone can levitate their friends, throw a fireball or stop a speeding car.

    How this influence is accomplished and how one can improve this influence is a very debated and theorized about question with very little scientific research to attempt to answer the debate.

    I would start with reading the scientific research literature by the scientist that have actually bothered to study psychokinesis.


  14. I KNOW it is real.  I do not know how to do it.  Probably with lots of practice.  Or like unknown function.

    When I was younger, one of my friends could move a pencil, pen, etc with his hands.

    All my other friends tested him to see if he was "cheating".... he wasn't.

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