
Is telekinesis real??

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i dont know whether to believ that telekinesis is real or not. can someone help me out?




  1. Telekinesis or Psychokinesis is about the movement of energy from faster moving frequency to the physical level.

    also refers to moving objects from one place to another without using physical contact. It also means re-shaping of objects using the mind's energies. Physical energy is created by electromagnetic impulses.Telekinesis cannot be created by wishingit to happen. For example, you may try to bend a spoon by focusing on it, but nothing happens. An hour later, you return to look at the spoon, only to discover it has changed shape . In recent years, the term remote influencing has been become popular to describe the application of psychokinesis to biological systems. This may be to impact either positively or negatively upon health, alter mood, or influence decision making.(This information is not for make you a "believer"

    rather to share some of the info available,to help you out)

  2. I'll give you a shorter answer than TK - it's not real because there are no forces in nature that can be used by the brain against an object.

    So, save yourself the anxiety and get on with your life.

  3. What would make you believe?  Personally, I would require demonstration of the ability before I would be on board.  You will find that many people claim TK is indeed real, but not one single person has ever demonstrated it.  What does that tell you?

  4. Phew! Thank god somebody finally asked this question.

    Short answer: it's very unlikely.

    Slightly longer answer:

    Despite that some may claim that PK was demonstrated by "thousands of people during thousands of experiments" at statistically significant levels, the truth is that no one has ever conclusively demonstrated PK. The aforementioned experimental studies are almost universally criticized or ignored as pathological science by degreed scientists. Most of these studies were published in scientifically shady paranormal journals which most scientists would avoid submitting a rebuttal to, and a tiny number were published in more respected journals which do not, as a rule, use their journal as a forum for bickering. Moreover, journals such as Foundation of Physics (in which a small number of such studies were published) explain that publishing a paper does not mean that the peer review board actually agreed with the findings, but just that it was interesting to the readership and clearly written (see springer link).

    The links below will provide you with a good start into investigating the history of psi. Have fun with these, it's pretty interesting stuff, but ultimately disappointing if you were hoping to be able to do telekinesis.

  5. i believe it is possible.

    oh, i do not have arguments, however.

    i just choose to believe.

  6. Yes it is. I moved my grandpas fishing gear when I was cleaning and he moved them back into the original spot.

  7. I dont think so, maybe some would just guess what other people SAY. but its about that they read their mind.

  8. I can help.No it's not real.If it were you'd know about it.

  9. ok, dont believe it.

    Nobody has ever demonstrated it to be real, ever! why should you believe it?

  10. I don't believe in telekinesis.  I think it's a big spoof.

  11. Telekinesis (TK) is now called Psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Evidence for PK has been collected and established since the 1930's when it was first studied in a scientific manner by J. B. Rhine.

    I have included links for you below so you can read up on the actual research.

    Despite claims that no one has ever demonstrated PK it has been demonstrated by thousands of people during thousands of experiments (many repeated) at statistically significant levels.

    While this work certainly has critics most of them fail to get published in peer reviewed science journals where the original research is published.

  12. no, usually peoplesbreath or the wind.

    If something moves on its own, it is poltergeists
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