
Is telekinesis true?

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Is telekinesis true?




  1. No, it's never been demonstrated in scientific conditions.

  2. Here's over 600 people who've already asked this question.If anyone would know they would.Contact a few of them and see.Ask yourself this.In this day and age,of video.Wouldn't there be something more then a old B/W video?One where you could see under the table at least.Wouldn't someone have demonstrated it clearly with no possibility of fraud.How gullible do they think people are?

  3. Is it real?  So far, the evidence for psychokinesis (PK) has been paltry. Nobody has ever demonstrated "macro-PK", e.g., the measurable movement of a physical object, in controlled conditions where fraud can be ruled out.

    Sometimes you'll hear of Nina Kulagina, a Russian woman and amateur magician who supposedly demonstrated her powers in front of Russian scientists. However, magicians have fooled people before (that's what they do!) and the Russians had every reason to want the West to think that they were ahead in the "psi-race". Today her tricks are easily duplicated by amateur magicians. Sometimes you'll hear of the Rhine Institute, famous for being founded by J.B. Rhine who was completely bamboozled by a trained horse he thought to be psychic! The Rhine institute, along with the PEAR lab at Princeton, put aside attempts to demonstrate macro-pk and instead worked on micro-pk, but their work basically amounted to searching for tiny statistical oddities among thousands of results and labeling these as psychic evidence by default.

    I included a link below with an extraordinarily well documented essay on the history of PK and psychic powers in general. I hope it helps answer some questions.

  4. watch this and you answer the question:


  5. We are all electrobiochemical beings transmitting and receiving all types of energy(there is much evidence of forms that have yet to be identified).Scientific tests have been done in which linear accelerator particles have had their trajectories

    altered simply by someone thinking on them WITHOUT physical contact.I can only voice my opinion that telekinesis is true.Visit my website,

  6. I have seen many people claim they can perform PK but I have yet to see anyone doing it themselves.  Why would someone claim something is possible if it can't be demonstrated, unless it's nothing more than wishful thinking?

    Magicians perform illusions all the time that are identical to the tricks you see performed on video.  The main difference is that magicians admit it's not real.

  7. Yes telekinesis is true, and ANYONE can learn this skill. I have taught everyone from a child of 10 to an elderly lady of 86 years old.

  8. In a sense, yes, telekinesis is perfectly possible. But not in the sense that you go around moving everything in sight without touching it. In reality, that's psychokinesis, and you have to be a master to move even something like a television remote.

    "Telekinesis" as it is known today is "Psychokinesis" because the word telekinesis was associated with ghosts, and demons, and some people shun people who have this unusual ability.

    Telekinesis now refers to being able to acheive all your goals, like moving, say, money, to you. "Moving" a person to become your friend is possible by subconsciously sending telepathic messages to them, which is perfectly possible if you just have the will.

    This is basically the phrase "where there's a will, there's a way" which can be take to mean, if you want something enough, it will happen on its own. But this takes a LOT of will. So don't expect this to happen to you.

  9. Telekinesis (TK) is now called Psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Evidence for PK has been collected and established since the 1930's when it was first studied in a scientific manner by J. B. Rhine.

    I have included links for you below so you can read up on the actual research.

    Despite claims that no one has ever demonstrated PK it has been demonstrated by thousands of people during thousands of experiments (many repeated) at statistically significant levels.

    Also, please note the debunkers have to chage the argument to it has never been conclusively demonstrated I agree and note that nothing else in science has ever met the conclusive criteria either.

    While this work certainly has critics most of them fail to get published in peer reviewed science journals where the original research is published.

    Lack of qualifications to get published and/or laziness in not submitting a rebuttal does not make your criticism recognized but publication in a peer reviewed science journal does.

    Also, despite misinformation frequently posted on YA peer review panels do not simply publish articles because they think they are interesting (though it is true they don't have to agree with the conclusions although the research shows that panelist that agree with the conclusion vote for publication and those that do not vote for not publishing in the vast majority of the cases) any publication submitted is judged on methodology and several other criteria (varies by journal) in general bad science (poor methods, bad statistics, etc.) does not make it into Nature, Science, Lancet, or any other peer reviewed science journals as this would make the journal, the supporting organization and the reviewers look less than professional.

  10. no not true
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