
Is telephathy, natural physic abilities, auras, remoting viewing all real? How can I use my own abilities?

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Can someone guess/describe what I look like, what my name might sound like, what I'm going through by using their natural powers? If yes, then do it. How can I listen to myself more? Be in touch with my mind? Intuition. First impressions.




  1. You can use your REAL abilities, like to develop a musical talent--that's much harder than pretending to have psychic powers--and will win you more acclaim than any "medium".  When it comes to fame, I would rather be a "large"!

  2. you sound some where from Asia...any way,to be in touch with your mind,try to improve how you focus,however if you practice to meditate that will help you somehow to start using

    your abilities.......

  3. There are many people who believe in many things.  You have to ask yourself what kind of person you are.  Are you comfortable believing in a magical universe where there are things that exist just because some people say they do (despite a complete lack of evidence) or are you the kind of person who believes the universe has laws explaining how it works and that all objects within the universe are subject to those universal laws?

    Some find comfort in thinking that such things exist.  I find the claims that auras, ESP, TK, etc. to be completely unfounded and without basis.

  4. I concur with TR - and remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

  5. While you certainly will get a variety of opinions on these topics, the fact that you asked this question in the Science & Math category compels me to answer scientifically. That is, so far there is no compelling scientific evidence for the existence of any of the things that you've listed.

    The corollary is that you have to take these things on faith if you're going to believe in them. Most people believe in these kind of things because they had a personal experience which they interpret to be paranormal in some respect. Personal anecdotal evidence is pretty much all there is right now for these things, so take what you hear with a grain of salt. And if you have any interest in science whatsoever, I'd recommend taking a scientific approach to determining whether or not these things merit belief.

  6. Well, there will always be people out there who see this as bunk. But don't let them dissuade you from your desire to develop your intuitive gifts.

    Fortunately, there are many wonderful teachers out there who have written books, have web sites, offer classes, etc.

    I recommend books by Doreen Virtue, John Holland and Sonia Choquette.

    Please ask your guides to help lead you to books & teachers that are best suited to your path. Then trust your guidance. Each teacher has a unique vibration and there may be one that resonates with you over another. You'll know when you find a book or teacher that is for you.

    Sending you Light for your Journey!

  7. There is no such thing as telepathy, natural psychic abilities, auras or remote viewing. Every crook who believes he/she was born with "special powers" that has been tested in a controlled environment has given a negative result. These people, however, are convinced that their powers are real, even though they can never give any proof of them.

    I recommend watching some James Randi documentaries.

  8. Yes, all those abilities are very real, and plenty of people have them.  We will all have access to more of these abilities after the Big Changes happen.

  9. Dark matter physicis;

    Don't beat about the bush, say what you mean!

    I agree with you apart from the bit about con-men believing that they have these powers, they are simply that; conmen. Sorry, to be politically correct, con-persons.

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