
Is television overall a good influence or a bad influence on children? On adults?

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Is television overall a good influence or a bad influence on children? On adults?




  1. It is a bad influence on the whole family..

    I threw TV out over 20 years ago, and only see it a little when visiting others, and then I realize that I am not missing anything.

  2. it depends. What show are you watching?

  3. Like anything else, there's a good side and bad side.  One must be wise and choose carefully, separating the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff.

  4. If the tv is turned on and not tuned to the history channel and the science channel, then it is a bad influence on children and adults.

  5. On kids: bad. If parents don't have time for their kids or don't monitor what their kids watch, the kids could be watching all sorts of filth. A lot of kid shows make adults look stupid, like it's okay to rebel against authority. Not sure about the influence on adults. Maybe that saying "garbage in, garbage out" applies.

  6. bad for children, for adults it depends what you are watching

  7. The content that most children and adults watch on television is definitely a bad influence.  

  8. Now i think the internet is even worse.

  9. I wasds tv al the tyme, no probams wit me, buddy!

  10. Depends what you watch.

    It also depends if a parent cares enough to discuss the things their children see on t.v.  


  12. meh, overall good, my children surprise me sometimes with the things they learn but they also sometimes surprise me with some things they pick up, mostly disney channel to, talking about being naked, making out, stuff like that, they are only 5 we have had to really pay attention to what they are wathcing on disney.....

  13. it all depends on what you watch

  14. You mean the Idiot Box?

  15. Overall I think tv has a strong influence of materialism, self-centeredness and arrogance. None of these are beneficial for anyone at any age.

  16. Some of the most enriching things I've ever seen were on the History and Discovery channel.  

  17. “An Army of Budding TV Viewers”

    A survey of 21,000 families in Italy has revealed that the vast majority of Italian children are TV dependent. The newspaper La Repubblica noted that “an army of budding TV viewers” is accustomed to using the remote control from the first year of life. More than four million Italian children between the ages of three and ten stay in front of the TV, almost mesmerized for more than two and a half hours a day. Mental-health experts are concerned over the fact that many children as young as six to eight months old are already avid TV watchers.

    In 1988, Hurricane Gilbert devastated Jamaica, and we left our home for shelter in a safer place. During a lull in the storm, my son and I left the refuge area to survey the wreckage that was once our home. While poking around in the debris, I spotted something I wanted to save. Suddenly, winds were howling again, but I still held on to what I had salvaged. “Mom, put down the television. Are you Lot’s wife?” (Luke 17:31, 32) That comment from my son returned me to my senses. I dropped the rain-soaked TV set, and both of us ran for safety.

    I tremble now as I recall that I risked my life for a TV set. But it warms my heart when I think of the spiritually alert comment my son made on that occasion. Thanks to the Biblical training he had received from the Christian congregation, he was able to help me avoid serious physical and perhaps spiritual harm.

    The hurricane left our home and possessions in ruins, and it also left us disheartened. Then our Christian brothers arrived. They encouraged us to face our loss with trust in Jehovah and to continue active in the ministry, and they helped us to rebuild our home. That loving and self-sacrificing work done by Witness volunteers from Jamaica and abroad touched us deeply.

    TV and Morals

    Few people would be surprised to learn that sexual behavior is depicted more and more frequently on American TV. A study published in 1989 in Journalism Quarterly found that in 66 hours of prime-time network TV, there were in all 722 instances of sexual behavior, whether implied, referred to verbally, or actually depicted. Examples ranged from erotic touching to intercourse, masturbation, homosexuality, and incest. The average was 10.94 instances every hour!

    The United States is hardly unique in this matter. French TV movies depict explicit sexual sadism. Striptease acts appear on Italian TV. Late-night Spanish TV features violent and erotic films. The list goes on and on.

  18. Bad influence as you can see our culture go from the "Leave it to Beaver and Marcus Welby to Family Guy and House. It shows that people have no compassion or sense in family structures anymore!

  19. Programmed comes to mind, children do and say, what they hear and see, adults can filture out what is right or wrong, well some, anyway, but the children are a vessel of learning! they do and say what they hear and see! then the verse comes to mind, I will make all your dreams and visions come true! That verse was a warning, not a good thing!

  20. Television is so utterly idiotic that it is without a doubt BAD for everybody that watches. It is for good reason that it is called "The Boob Tube" as it tends to convert those who watch it into members of the Booboisie, or that segment of society composed of idiots.

    The Oompa-Loompas have something useful to say about this. Remember the first Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film, the good one with Gene Wilder, not the crappy one with Johnny Depp [I say this despite being a huge fan of both Johnny Depp and Tim Burton].

    "What do you get from a glut of TV,

    A pain in the neck and an IQ of 3.

    You should try opening a book.

    You'll get no...You'll get no...You'll get NO commercials..."

    That says about everything you need to know about TV.

    Turn the "Goddamned Noisy Box" [Stranger in a Strange Land] OFF and pick up a book. It does the mind good.

    I like how they do commercials in Germany. America should adopt this practice immediately.

    Commercials exist in 15 minute blocks every two hours or so which gives you plenty of time to visit the WC or eat a snack.

  21. Television is a bad influence for everyone.

  22. Well...

    “Our mind is like a clear glass of water. If we put salt into the water, it becomes salt water; sugar, it becomes sugar water; S**t, it becomes S**t water. But originally the water is clear. No thinking, no mind. No mind, no problem.”

    - Seung Sahn

    I wonder what sort of mind water reality tv creates?  ;-)

  23. Television is a bad influence on children and adults.  The type of shows we have on tv now have no type of moral standards.  VH1 has Flava of Love with all these dumb girls fighting to sleep with Flava Flav.  Then there is an all g*y channel.  Let me not even mention the violent fight club shows.  It is definitely a bad influence.

  24. It would depend on the program that they're watching.

  25. TV never had a bad effect on me. The internet on the other hand, well that's a different story =D

  26. For good television watch the Science channel.  

  27. Modern media has it's pros and cons. It's made more people open-minded and less ignorant, but it has also desensitized most of the world.

  28. Television is the most addictive and corrupting poison ever invented. The more television your children watch; the greater the odds that they won't amount to much more than a "fry-boy" down at your local hamburger stand. Television wastes invaluable, irretrievable time for kids that could be spent learning how to live from adults; studying to get ahead in school and in life; exercising and playing to get physically fit; and learning important values that transcend our rabidly moronic consumerist culture.

    If you wouldn't give your children unlimited access to crack or to meth; then you should never give them unlimited access to TV.

  29. Overall?---BAD  

  30. Depends on what you allow your to watch. Most tv's have parental controls,so use them.

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