
Is telling children that God and Santa exist just brainwashing?

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Is telling children that God and Santa exist just brainwashing?




  1. yes and no! santa exists..... GOD DOESN'T

  2. With santa no, I think it's the same as them believing their favorite cartoon character is real. They will eventually grow out of it.

    God is kinda a tough one though. If we tell them he is real we could be lying (maybe brainwashing) if we say he isn't we could also be lying. I have 3 kids and I have never forced them to go to church or read the bible. I have taken them when they want to go and when they were little read them the children's bible. Now it is up to them to decide what to believe in.

    Forcing your believes on any subject onto children in my book is brainwashing.

  3. Making children listen and believe lots of dribble about any religion for their whole childhood (especially at religious schools) is brainwashing.  Allowing kids to believe in Santa for a few years is part of childhood - along with the tooth fairy, fairy rings, easter bunny and the bogey man.  Kids grow out of this naturally and there is no harm in letting them have a bit of imagination in childhood.  

  4. I'd rather call it "indoctrination."

  5. What's Santa got to do with God? St Nicolas (or Santa) was just a guy who liked to give presents to the poor and orphaned children. How is it brainwashing anyway? I was told they exist-I don't actually believe in either.

  6. I agree that telling children that God exists is more dangerous than telling them Santa exists.  Let them make their own minds up about God.  Santa is a benevolent character that they will grow out of believing in eventually.

  7. When taken to extremes, yes.

  8. I do not think brains can be washed by compared God with Santa!

  9. It isn't brainwashing it's lying.

  10. I was taught to believe in God and at about fifteen I questioned that and was allowed to, I now don't believe so I wasn't brainwashed despite regularly attending church. I think brainwashing has a lot to do with the person it is aimed at and the way it is done. Telling a child that god exists for example is totally different from telling a child that god exists and wants us to do acts of evil in his name such as terrorism.

    Parenting is hard, and no matter what you do there will be outside influences. My goddaughter is four and came home from school telling us about the special assembly they had about heros, she informed us that God was a hero. Her mum was shocked as it isn't a religious school and no warning was given about the assembly, but acknowledging God may exist is different from living a lifestyle where religious teachings are followed. A child can be told about God and heaven to console them after a death, I see no harm in that, but I can see the harm in telling a child they won't go to heaven if they do x y and z. It depends on how it is handled

    As far as Santa, well I'm very happy that I had a magical innocent childhood that involved believing in santa, it give me happy memories to look back on.

  11. As we do not want out children to lie to us, then why should we lie to the children?

    God = lie

    Santa = lie

  12. live children to grow in the innocents of childish. don't spoil them with your television, violence, s*x shows and corrupt their mind

  13. Yes it is. Santa is the childhood version of God.  

  14. If you dont, then they'll just be brainwashed with evolution. If they are brought up knowing about God then they will definately come across evolution later on and then can make their own choice. On the pther hand, if they dont learn about God, they will always think it is rubbish without even thinking about it.

  15. God does exist!!

  16. nothing wrong with telling them about santa. After all santa wont burn them in an eternal torture chamber forever for not believing in him....

  17. Many of our top scientists believe in God.

    What is your excuse for judgementalism?

  18. YES

  19. i wouldn't call it brainwashing ,its only a bit of make believe for kids didn't do me any harm  

  20. My son goes to a catholic school and comes home regularly talking about god. When he asks me questions about it, I find it really hard to humour him, and when he asks me about heaven, I just have to say that some people believe in a wonderful place that you go to after you die, I don't believe any of it myself but I'd never spoil it for him, I enjoyed believing in something good as a child.. as far as Santa goes, It's a bit of fun and it does make christmas more magical for them. xx

  21. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    what should parents say when their children asked who created this world?

  22. Telling your children what you believe to be the honest truth is what all good parents do. If you do not believe in a god, then I'm sure you will tell your kids that. You will never have a society where everyone believes the same thing. This is what Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot tried to do, is it not?

  23. The first is, because there is an intention to deceive for life.

    The second isn't because it is a harmless fantasy, and known to be so, which the prepetrator knows will be realised as not true one day.

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