
Is telokenisis real??? Is there any proof at all?

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Just wondering.




  1. Telekinesis (TK) is now called Psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Evidence for PK has been collected and established since the 1930's when it was first studied in a scientific manner by J. B. Rhine.

    I have included links for you below so you can read up on the actual research.

    Despite claims that no one has ever demonstrated PK it has been demonstrated by thousands of people during thousands of experiments (many repeated) at statistically significant levels.

    While this work certainly has critics most of them fail to get published in peer reviewed science journals where the original research is published.

  2. Short answers: unlikely and no.

    Despite claims that PK was demonstrated by thousands of people during thousands of experiments (many repeated) at statistically significant levels, the truth is that no one has ever conclusively demonstrated PK. The aforementioned experimental studies are almost universally criticized or ignored as pathological science by degreed scientists. Most of these studies were published in scientifically shady paranormal journals which most scientists would avoid submitting a rebuttal to, and a tiny number were published in more respected journals which do not, as a rule, use their journal as a forum for bickering. Moreover, journals such as Foundation of Physics (in which a small number of such studies were published) explain that publishing a paper does not mean that the peer review board actually agreed with the findings, but just that it was interesting to the readership and clearly written (see springer link).

  3. unless there has been a huge revelation on the news I havent heard of, the answer is..........NO!

  4. Paranormal abilities have been proven to exist by scientific studies, most notably the research done at Princeton's PEAR Lab (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research), and published in such respected scientific journals as Foundations of Physics (not a paranormal publication).  The PEAR Lab has done research specifically on telekinesis that has confirmed that it is real.

  5. It's spelled telekinesis...and you can get information if you google it. Whether it works or not is a matter of opinion. I think only the one who does it knows if they're tricking someone or if they can really make objects move.

  6. Regrettably no, there is no evidence for the existence of telekinesis whatsoever.  It would be fun, though, wouldn't it?


  7. Telekinesis (aka TK or PK) is the ability to move things with only the mind.  In other words, no touching, just thinking.

    To answer your question: no, there is no evidence TK is possible.  There is no shortage of video clips of people moving things, apparently without touching them.  (I can make a video for you myself doing just that if you can't find any examples out there.)

    There are plenty of examples of people who have been caught trying to trick people into thinking they are moving things via TK.

    There are even more people--called magicians or illusionists--who incorporate TK-like tricks into their performances.  The difference between them and the frauds is they freely admit what they're doing is in no way supernatural.

    TK would be cool if it were real.  (That's probably why so many people insist it is.)  I would love to be able to do it myself.

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