
Is ten years old too young to be suing for divorce?

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  1. Sorry, but where were the as*shole parents when the kid was being tortured..

    ..I don't care how bad they feel it's too late, and can't be undone. Freakin idiots.

  2. considering the conditions this poor girl was in, she had every right to a divorce! Completely disgusting.

  3. man ten years is too young to get married

  4. absolutely not, if she was being abused like that then she shouldn't stay with him. NO MATTER THE AGE.

  5. ten year old should be playing with dolls and learning, not married off by her stupid, idiotic parents. In the west this would be punishable by prison, as paedophilia. Disgusting that the mother said he wasn't supposed to sleep with her, what the f uck did she expect the stupid woman. Divorce the parents as well i say

  6. Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " Knowing me knowing you"

    Did the green coconut drop off from the coconut tree?

    That rolled off downhill?

    Then float down the stream and river out to the open seas?

    That landed on the shore.

    Grew up with young shoot sprouting out?

    In time grew up to be a coconut tree?

    In "Planet of Apes"

    Luke 21.30 - 33

    What do you think?

  7. thats sad =( & shes too young to be married in the first place

  8. just shows you how the bearded ones really live,and theywant to take over god forbid

  9. Well, it's too young in the sense that she shouldn't have been married at that age in the first place. But in countries like that, it's very common for young girls to be married off at very young ages to much older men. But with the way he treated her, she had every right to file for a divorce.

  10. Yeah thats sick

  11. Awful. 10 years old? Jesus

  12. Hmmm and they Islam is a good religion. They do worship a paedophile who was married to a 9 year old so what do you expect! Stone aged morons.

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