
Is tennis a hard sport, or is it an easy sport?

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Is tennis a hard sport, or is it an easy sport?




  1. It is as hard or as easy as you make it.  If youre just on a court hitting balls back and forth....piece of cake....if you really want to play, there are different shots to perfect and strategies that will win competitive are you?

    PS its a game for all ages and both sexes......all at the same time!

  2. it is a very hard sport. it takes years to become really good. and its physically very demanding. its up there with basketball and football.

  3. really hard but easy to learn if ur coordinated

  4. in the beggining it is tough. but it is overall pretty challenging

  5. It is an extremely difficult sport. You have to have hours of practice, get racquets, and adapt to different surfaces. It is very demanding, takes a lot of physical and mental strength. Tennis is 80% mental and 20% physical!

  6. its pretty hard but no where near football, basketball yes football


  7. depends how good you are. for beginners its not as easy as it looks

  8. I think tennes is harder than football and basketball. It looks easy and you alsways see people making fools of themselves thinking they can pick it up easily. However, tennis has the capability to be a sport for life. How many sixty somethings do you see taking out a running back? Tennis is fun, social, and challenging. But when you start, take your time, focus on your technique, and if you can afford it, invest on some lessons to establish a good foundation to begin a lifetime of fun!

  9. well it really depends on who you are playing! but it is a very complicated sport! and it is hard to if your playing with the right person! very fun sport though! it acquires skill and patience! :)

  10. It is easy enough to learn.

    On the other hand, it is a very demanding sport.  It relies on physical conditioning, timing, mental discipline, and the ability to analyze an opponent.  Tennis professionals are subject to playing long matches under grueling conditions against extremely fit opponents.

  11. its is hard, stamina and hand eye corrdination

  12. it is hard. u need hand-eye coordination, determination, and athletisism

    Especially patience...

  13. On the surface, it looks like a very simple, easy game.  But once you start playing the sport, you'll realize how complex and difficult the sport really is.  Anyone can pick up a racquet and hit  a few balls, but it generally takes a lot of time and practice to put together a decent game.  There is a wide variety of spins, types of strokes, and strategies that can be mind boggling.  An athletic person with good hand-eye coordination might pick up the sport faster, but the sport, in my opinion is a lot harder than it looks.

  14. yes, it's a very demanding sport.-

    but great!!!

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