
Is tennis hard to pick up?

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im in the middle of middle school, and im not too athletic but i want to do a sport. tennis looks fun and im more of an independent person and its a single game. i'm suppose to have good handeye coordination.




  1. ningún tenis es el deporte más fácil

  2. I'm not that athletic either, so you and me fit right into it. It took me about a year to finally get the hang of tennis once I started playing in 2005. It is really tough. If you want to play competitively, you have to learn all the strokes, when to use what, footwork, types of spins, the serve, defense, offense, and the different surfaces and how to play on them. That's tough and takes a lot of practice. If your just playing for fun, get a few private lessons and just relax and enjoy it. It can be a really hard sport. The high school tennis team isn't that  hard to make, especially if you try to go for JV!!!!


  3. sometimes but no its not hard to pick up.

  4. I'm still a newbie too..

    I dont even know how to serve yet..

    Sob, hope someone in school know to play tennis but no one know..

  5. its easy to learn the strokes but if you want to go competitive its all in the mind and that takes a while to master. here is a site for the basic rules for playing tennis:

    here is another site for learning strokes, its a video:

    here is some more info:

    if you want more information search stuff on youtube. they give a lot.

  6. no its not hard at all to pick up. if you set your mind to it you can do it. i started when i was 14.

  7. Easy to learn. Hard to master. Practice makes perfect.

  8. It depends on how much you want to get into it. If you just want to play to have fun, then no its not too hard. Since you are in middle school, however, i think it might be a really good time to pick up tennis and look towards playing competitively in high school. It might be a little harder to master it, but once you start playing it and getting some success you'll fall in love with it. Believe me, I was very unathletic and picked up tennis pretty fast. I went undefeated at doubles with my twin brother in high school after only playing for one year. One of the first things you should do is seek a good coach. The better the teachings, the faster and the better you'll learn the game.

    So my recommendation? Start playing! Whether just for fun or getting serious about it, it is a fun sport to learn and one you can keep playing for the rest of your life.

  9. for me, no, I guess its because I have been in love with this sport since I was 5.

    It depends on if you want to put effort in it.

  10. it takes alot of determination and practice

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