
Is that all the solar system and planet,?

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their is eight planet in our solar system, are their more solar system and planet out their that god made ? and are their planet like earth we live on. with all thing we have to go up their, are their anybody know?because i don,t and when you answer please kept it,s real. this are some or the thing i thank about , just keeping it,s real




  1. There are many more solar systems and many more planets out there.  Some of the planets are roughly the size of Earth, but we can't see them well enough to know what they're really like.

  2. There are other solar systems out there...with other planets orbiting around other stars.

    We don't have enough info determine if there are any other planets just like Earth out there....that's why we keep exploring and searching for other planets around other stars.

    God is a spiritual concept...and has no bearing on what happens in the galaxy.

    Everything out made by natural occurances...and science can support a whole lot of that fact.

  3. They have already discovered over 250 extra-solar planets circling other stars -- planets seem to be a common occurrence throughout the visible Universe.... and yes several show the spectra indicating either oxygen or water as being present.

    As Jodie Foster said in the movie Contact--- it would be a "great waste of space" if we were the only intelligent life in the universe.

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