
Is that bright star in the sky Mars?

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It's the brighest star in the sky soI doubt it's a star but a plant. I have notice it for a while lately.




  1. It's definitely Jupiter. I've been looking at it through my telescope the past few nights. Jupiter's relatively close to Earth right now because we're both on the same side of the Sun right now, so it's a pretty good view of the planet - you can easily see the colored bands.

    Venus will be up in the western sky just after sunset very soon now, but it's still pretty close to the Sun as of today (the 20th), so it's not still up after dark yet.

  2. Mars is hard to spot if you don't know where it is.  What you're seeing is Jupiter or Venus.

  3. Nope, just Jupiter. Currently, we are fairly close to the planet.

  4. The way people type on here is really annoying - it's like the don't know how to speak English. To answer your question, the thing you are probably seeing is not a star, it's Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet.

  5. The one close to the moon in Venus...

    Mars has a red glow about it..seen on special days

  6. Venus is very bright and near the rising Sun, mars looks  reddish.

  7. Jupiter is visible in the Southeast.  Although Mars and Saturn were visible in the west earlier in the month, they may not be visible now, having moved below the western horizon after sunset.

  8. That is possible Venus. If it were Mars it would have a red color.

  9. no it aint  mars or any stars

    its Venus that u see in the evening

    it is called the "evening star"

  10. Could it be a tree rather than a plant?

    Two thumbs down?? Come on, it's not that hard to spel !!!

  11. Mars comes out every 150 years or something it would be Jupiter or Venus

  12. What was the time of year you saw this and where do you live? It could have been any number of things, there are many stars that have a higher apparent magnitude (how bright they appear to us) than the planets.

    For instance, it could have been Sirius, near the constellation Orion, which is the brightest star in the sky.

  13. It is Jupiter.

  14. campbel is correct. If you have been noticing it in the evening near the Moon, and it's very bright, then what you are seeing is the planet Jupiter.

    ADDED: If it's near the Moon when the Moon is full, then it cannot be Venus, because it would then be on the side of Earth facing away from the Sun. Venus never gets out there. It is always close to the Sun - so it's called the evening star or the morning star.

  15. jupiter

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