
Is that easy to do Diploma in Accounting without even no knowledge of accounting?

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Is that easy to do Diploma in Accounting without even no knowledge of accounting?




  1. hello dude... i think it is possible to study in accounting if you  have a small basic of accounting ... at least you know what are the debit and credit...i actually have this problem a long time ago when i study degree in construction management... funny right ...what's the heck the construction management have to do with accounting... actually , one of my final semester subject are accounting ... and the worst part is...i am worst in account what i do is to write down all the thing that the  lecturer have said...highly concentrated is must in accounting...

    my recommendation is you have to buy a basic book of accounting ...that will do.... and another one thing try to read a newspaper or magazine related to the account issued ....

    so hope this will help....happy study

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