
Is that new radio song, "I kissed a girl and I liked it" bad for our society?

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What is the message we are sending kids by allowing such songs on public radio stations? Does the song say something about our society?




  1. Yes. I don't agree with what it is promoting. The beat is good, but the lyrics freak me out and I don't think little kids need that message.

  2. There isn't really anything wrong with this song.

    Some will listen intentionally and others just happen to be there.

    America is supposed to be a melting pot. It has all people of different backgrounds and personalities.

  3. It's bad for our eardrums, at the very least.

  4. No!

    It's telling kids to be open to experimenting with the same s*x. The song says that our society is no longer ultra conservative and less homophobic.

    It is a step forward for society.

  5. No, it's no worse than any other song.

  6. its saying we are playing pure shite on our radios now...

  7. i personally think katy perry's (singer of that song) voice is very lovely. and it has a nice simple beat to it. the song itself i dont find shocking at all and it doesn't phase me.  most kids will just point and laugh since most teenagers are immature like that. i dont think one song or even many songs such as this one will make a reality of itself to America's youth.

    yes it does say that our society is much more freer than others. but it doesnt make it right or wrong. let people chose what they want to be.

  8. You've been watcing too much fox eh?

    It's not going to turn our kids into lesbos. People are g*y because of gentics not because of songs and other stuff.

    Personally I listened to the song and I like it. Great catchy tune. I ain't g*y though

  9. how is it bad for our society? geez, people overthink too many things nowadays. it's just a song!

  10. No worse than any of the other c**p that gets shoveled into our faces every single day.  Aren't you numb to it yet?

  11. Oh, the horror, admitting sexuality isn't a completely fixed point, but a continuum.

  12. no its nto bad for our society but its just another song for S****y girls to  who really arent bi to pretend to be nad get attention

  13. no, it won't masterfully alter society.

    The song is a result of the freedom of expression and exploration this generation is open to.

  14. yes it is

  15. The Jill Sobule song "I Kissed a Girl" is MUCH better than this version!

  16. i think its bad for our society because children will hear the song, ask why girls would kiss each other, and experiment with sexuality at younger and younger ages. But me in particular, I like the rythem of the song, just not the words to go along with it.    

                                    From: A ten year old!!!

  17. Yeah it says we're a FREE country!!!

  18. Yes it's so terrible.  It might discourage people from acting according to their true sexuality, remaining in the closet and then leading dishonest lives, getting married to people they don't really love and hurting tonnes of people in the process.

    Um ... I think that actually comments like yours are what's bad for society.

  19. I don't find anything wrong with it. I feel if you love someone of your same gender, then hats off to you. We should just stop analyzing the music and enjoy it. And besides, kids should be listening to Radio Disney or something to that effect. Not teen/adult CD's and radio.

  20. I looked up the song lyrics and I don't see the big deal. Are you saying that children should be brought up thinking homosexuality is wrong?

  21. It's saying a good thing: that being L*****n/g*y/bisexual is no longer unacceptable. However, I understand where you're coming from. If there was a song called, "I Kissed A Boy And I Like It", sang from a woman, I think it would be wildly innapropriate. I think the whole L*****n kissing thing is a bit touchy feely, a song about two straight people l*****g off each other's cherry chapstick is innapropriate, but when it's two girls it's considered a milestone.

  22. what the song says about our society is that we are open minded

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