
Is that our indian railways greatest railways system in the world.?

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  1. Yea, It is the longest Railway network in the world...

  2. If your railways are run like I see them on TV where there are numerous train wrecks, people overloading the cars, with people riding on the roofs. Talk about mickey mouse railroading. If you seriously think your railways are the best in the world then I think its time to stop smoking that wacky weed. Obviously you've never travelled to other countries like Germany, UK, North America, Japan.

  3. Yeah that's really something to be proud of, "India: Greatest Railways in the World". How about roads? Look at the Autobahn. Look! I can just come and go as I please! I have a car, I SET THE SCHEDULE!! What a concept!!

  4. Yes without any argument. Taking the routage and number of trains into consideration Indian Railway Network is the best in the world. If you take the percentage of accidents it may be a mere 1% or even less than it. You know the worst railways network in the world it's AMTRAK. It's prohibitively expensive and even accidents rate is also high compared to it's coverage.

  5. Are you kidding me? You may have the longest railway system in the world but your safety record leaves allot to be desired.Derailments,rear collisions, even head on occur frequently and when they do people are killed or injured and that is not good at all.

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