
Is that possible to find vitamines in other food besides fruit?

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I read Britney did a diet without fruit because of the sugar. Can i get the fruit nutrients in other food?




  1. Yes, vegetables. Leaf veggies, such as spinach, chinese cabbage, cabbage, swiss chard and lettuce; fruit veggies such as zucchini, cauliflower, okra, broccoli and cucumbers; root veggies such as beets, carrots, onions, garlic, radishes and turnips. Tomatoes, carrots and a few other root veggies have a smaller percentage of sugar than the typical fruit, but are very good. Corns are a bit sweet, too, but are loaded with good carbs and vitamins. Go for varieties with deep, bright colors and leave on the skins as much as possible. You can use most of these uncooked, either in salads or by juicing. In their uncooked state you get all the nutrient value. Best wishes.

  2. yes, but omg what kind of moron would go for a diet like that. I think because britney did it you should stay away from it.

    You can drink forified items, and take a multivitamin. They aren't as healthy as fruit though.

  3. Most foods have some nutrients of some type, except maybe fast food.

  4. Although it is true that fruits are full of sugar it is important to have fruit in your diet; otherwise, you will start to look dead

    You can cut sugar out of your diet and cut some fruits out but try to at least eat some like




    apples ~ preferably green


    These are all lower in sugar then say watermelon or mango's

    carrots are high in sugar

    Eat your veggies because they are loaded w/ nutrients that you need

    Also, high fiber foods help in weight loss

    Protein such as chicken and even roast beef are very good if you get the Hormel or Tyson already prepared meats in your freezer department then pour out most of the gravy ad a little fat free or 2% milk to the couple tablespoon of juice you save instead so you get hardly any sodium and the carbs are like 6 grams which is nothing

    Also, eat fish at least twice a week ~ salmon is a great choice or tuna because these are both easy to prepare but there are tons of fish you can choose from just stay away from fried

    Stay away from sugar "fruit or flavored" waters if you get tired of water have the Lipton tea pouches in your water or even crystal light

    Stay away from fast food, soda's, and Cheeto's ~ lets face it Brittney downed a lot of Cheeto's in the past years

    Try to exercise at least 30 mins every day

    You will be beautiful without looking dead


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