
Is that right for NGO to give a salary to their Volunteers that too a Huge amount?

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Can people take money for working for a Social Cause.....




  1. Volunteers aren't paid. That's what makes them volunteers - not their attitude, not their good heart, not their intentions, but, rather, their lack of pay.

    If you mean is it right for an NGO to pay staff members salaries -- yes, I think it's entirely appropriate. We want trained, experienced professionals addressing the most critical issues facing our world, and if you want such people who can commit a full work week, year after year, you have to pay them. I don't want just whomever is available to tackle these issues. Volunteers are wonderful and necessary, but volunteers aren't always available -- their paid work and other commitments/obligations come before their volunteering.

    Indeed, PeaceCorps volunteers, UNVs, and some others do receive a financial stipend during their service, but this is because they commit a year-two years in the country, agree not to take on any other work, and need the money to cover their expeneses of living in a country away from their homes. This stipend is paid by governments and UN agencies -- rarely by NGOs themselves.

  2. I don't think you should pay volunteers!  after all volunteer means:

    1. a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.  

    2. a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

    If you work for a Social Cause then yes you get paid.  Most non profits do not pay very much and I believe some over pay their top people.

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