
Is that true that living on the 3rd floor of the apartment consumes more power and heat bills?

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what are the pros and cons - money wise?




  1. Yep, he's right.

  2. We'll break it down to you like this:

    If you were to live on the bottom floor you would pay less because the plumbing and electrical lines don't have to defy gravity.


    There are three floors in an apartment complex. All three floors flush a toilet. Floor one would pay the least because the water that has to go into your toilet doesn't require much pressure to reach it. Likewise, floor three would pay the most because the water requires more pressure to reach their (your) toilet.

    As for heating and cooling costs, being in between two floors would mean that you keep more heat in. However because of that, cooling costs may or may not go up a little.

    All in all, it depends how high you are off the ground and if someone is above you

  3. It depends on how many floors the apartment building has.

    If you're on the top floor, then you probably will pay more in heating and cooling bills, unless the building is relatively new and thus well insulated.

    If you're not on the top floor, you may well pay less, because you have the residual heat from the apartments above you and below you during the winter.

  4. No, not necessarily true. It depends on many factors, the age of the building, proper insulation, updated energy efficient appliances, which should have reg maintenance to see if they are working properly. Although the basics are that heat rises, but a well insulated property, proper settings ( don't turn heat a/c off an on) set to automatic. My suggestion is to talk with your property manager and compare previous bills with other units with the same sq ft.including model homes which run lights and a/c heat consistently to make it comfortable to show. If there is a higher bill in a particular apartment find out why. Is the water heater set properly, is the refrigerator constantly running, toilet running,  are you turning off the lights and so on. Your management company should help you decide, have a maintenance check and contact your electric company to see what the previous bills were on the apartment, but you must compare with other units. Simple things such as weather striping at the front doors and windows cuts cost. It should be part of regular maintenance, but sometimes you have to put in a written request to do so. Do you have a roommate, are they being conscious. Also consider age factor and compare other properties with same sq. ft, they do divulge this information when asked. Good luck, remembered this from my property management days!

  5. As compared to the 2nd or the 4th?  The higher the floor the hotter the dwelling.

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