
Is that weird...? (better question: is it even alowed?!)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm 14, I'm a girl and I want to be an airplane capitan when I grow a bit up... Is that really weird? I get some really random responses from people who ask me about my future plans -.-

Is that weird?

Also how comes that I never see or meet any female capitans, that's rad! O.O is it not alowed or the females just don't want that job?

p.s. Don't lecture me about it. I always wanted to be one. I read about it alot, yeah I know no family, blahblahblah... I asked a question, and that's what I'm looking for in responses. Thanks! :)




  1. Are you serious? I want to be a pilot, and I'm a girl a little older than you. =] Good luck!

    I've never gotten negative comments when I've told people what I want to be. Of course it's allowed. I've met female captains too. Maybe you're just in a different environment.  

  2. go for it  i have meet a couple of female captains   hope your dream is a success for you

  3. Ehhhh.....

    A female can do anything a male can do, sometimes even better.

    Such a relief that you're thinking ahead to your future.

    Best of wishes! : )


  4. No there is nothing wrong or weird about that.

    We all have different aspirations. Everyone is intitled to be what they want to be!

    It would be sexist to say that women cant be a pilot  . I agree it's not often seen, however it's still possible. Infact, i went on holiday 2 months ago, and the pilot was a woman :P .

    So yea, go for it (:

  5. There's no reason why you can't be one!

    There's no rule against it.

    Good luck to you and don't let anyone's response to your dream affect you.


  6. I don't see any reason for anyone to lecture you, it sounds like you have a plan for your life, and that is awesome! There is no reason that you can't be a pilot!

  7. you may be the first, if that is your goal in life then i say go for itt, and maybe il will be on a plane that you are driving someday, good luck and best wishes

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