
Is the 2008 US election really a battle for the soul of America?

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I'm entirely biased, being a) a socialist and b) British, so I'm not intimately involved in the US election, but it seems to be shaping up to be an event that will define how the majority of Americans wish to be, and wish to be seen, for generations to come. Firstly, is that a fair assessment? And secondly, having watched the DNC, I now know what the Democratic vision of that future American persona is. Can anybody tell me what the Republican big idea is? Surely it has to be more than 'more of the same'?




  1. Democrats and Republicans have no vision of the future.  Both are trying to get in power, and stay in power.  Whatever you hear, is just to simply win as many votes as possible.  (Or prevent the opponent from getting votes.)

    U.S politics is a circus, the best show wins.

  2. Republicans generally want lower taxes, fewer government regulations and interventions, more individual responsibility, greater freedoms and prosperity, stronger national security and peace in the world...just not peace at all costs.

    Democrats propose higher taxes, a social welfare nanny state much like you have in Great Britain where the government can take care of all our needs, and we can be totally dependent and unproductive for all of our adult lives.

    If you look at all our elections, these two battles play out in each one - and it only depends on individual candidates appealing to the 20% or so of our independent swing voters in the middle, in only a handful of states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Missouri and Michigan.

    EDIT:  Sure, MD - you used to be the world's great super-power, the biggest empire on the planet and now.....well, look at you.  That "safety net" system of repressive taxation has done you no favors in this global economy.  I swear, ever since the days of King George.....

  3. Generations to come?  Four years to come you mean, I think you might be taking it a little too seriously.

  4. Being a bit biased myself, (Liberal, South African) I hope to God Obama wins.

    It's time the US stops pretending everything is 'hunky-dory' and starts finding world solutions.

    They want to be the 'world-leader', so it's time to start leading. At least Obama understands this.

    McCain wants to continue with bullying tactics.

    The underlying Republican idea is:


    Hard to believe, but true.

    And as you can see, Republicans can only think one-dimensionally = Paulo

  5. What does Great Britain think of this election?


    I agree with Falco.

  6. bomb,bomb,bomb, i ran.

  7. Yes. Absolutely

  8. republicans basically want to rule the world. to me democrats want to help the entire nation while republicans only want to help themselves meaning only the rich. i think america is supposed to be a creative country yet were so backward on so many things. i envy you for having healthcare. and i don't think we fear it, just dont understand it. :D  

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