
Is the 2008 presidential election rigged?

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Is the 2008 presidential election rigged?




  1. Presidential election 2008 results USA | presidential election wiki

    Presidential election 2008 results USA | presidential election wiki

  2. The democrats will think and say so, after McCain wins.

  3. Presidential election results 2008 | presidenti elections | primary elections

    Presidential election results 2008 | presidenti elections | primary elections

  4. it quite possibly could be.  The American public has been increasingly dissatisfied with the present leadership.  To help keep everyone happy and hopeful for something better, the powers-that-be have decided to pacify voters with a seemingly liberal african-american candidate.  The backbone of the government does this from time to time as a means to promote faith in our "democracy" and quiet revolutioary tendencies.  Thats the way our two party system works.  Its highly conservative for a few years then give way to a superficially "liberal" democratic government.  The two parties are not much different and ultimantely have the same agenda.  By the way Biden calls himself a ZIONIST!! Its the same thing over and over.  

  5. Here is a better question, in the past couple of decades, when hasn't it been rigged. Look behind the scene, who stands to gain from the running candidate, who is sponsoring the candidate.  Maybe then you will achieve enlightenment.

  6. Of course. people are to stupid to realise this though.  

  7. Don't take things at face value. Read between the lines of the news to understand what they are not telling you.

    some will say the election is rigged----some of the computerized voting machines "drop" votes and the company who makes them is a large contributer to the Republican party. So you can bet we will hear of "problems" with the voting machines and voter  ID  issues in the large Democratic areas.

  8. The only claims of election fraud seem to originate when liberals lose.  I have yet to hear about a conservative calling 9-wa-wa when he/she has lost a ballot count.

    The point is...liberals project their sins on to everybody else.  Just like the cheating husband suspecting his innocent wife of having an affair.

  9. No, but democrat convention speeches are.

  10. no it's too close of a fight.

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