
Is the 270 wsm a good elk gun?

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It comes close to the 7mag energy wise and it can handle 160gr NP's very well. Would the 308 win be a better choice?




  1. Greenbean is right for the most part but there are a lot of variables that come into play here. What is the terrain like? Scrubby  or long straight shots. I hunt a lot in Montana with my Weatherby 270 but have my re loader make my slugs a bit heavier and a little more ummmmpppphhhhhhh in the powder. It has good take down power and is a fast bullet but overall I'd agree with Greenbean that the 300 is a good all around choice. Heavy enough to effectively penetrate any vegetation and good take down power. Good luck.


  2. Energy, schmenergy. The hole's a little on the small side, but people use 150 grainers in 270 Win with great success. And saying .284 is big enough but .277 isn't is a bit too hair-splitting, don't you think? But it will take a good bullet (NP is one of my favorites, too) to hold up to the high velocities and avoid surface blow-ups. Even the Partition may lose its front section prematurely on occasion.

  3. NO not according to the Winchester Product 2008 Guide for calibers and ammo.* Your best choice is the 30-06.*

  4. to small

    30 cal. 300 or 30-06

  5. yea it works. but you need to be relatively close and you need to hit it well.

  6. No.

  7. A normal 270. win with a 150 grain has plenty energy to kill a elk or a moose, so the 270. wsm is good

  8. The regular 270 with the 150 grain bullets is plenty for elk, properly hit. Regards, Larry.

  9. .go with a 7mm mag.

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